今天妈妈和我比赛做题,第一题的时候,妈妈总是读错总是让我给她纠正过来。写第二题的时候,她把夏天的夏字写成了下面的 下了,我看了看,哈哈大笑,我在妈妈的卷子上打了个大大的"*"号。就在加标点的时候通过把逗号写成了句号,我帮她改过来。
Today, my mother and I competed to do the first question. When I read the first question, my mother always asked me to correct it. When she wrote the second question, she wrote the summer character below. I looked at it and laughed. I put a big "*" on my mother's paper. Just when punctuating, I wrote a comma as a full stop, and I helped her to change it.
I understand that mom's doing this is to let me study in happiness,. Mom's heart is always for her children.
