Li Jiang, which is a small city in the Yunnan province, is one of the most beautiful cities where I have visited. Three years ago a friend and I take a short-time tour in Li Jiang city for about five days, in fact, we spent quite lots of time on the way because Li Jiang is far away from our hometown, however, we took a train there in order to enjoy the nice scenes along the route. That decision finally turned out to be worthy, the high mountains and cloudy between the mountains impressed us deeply, all these landscapes are quite different from those of my hometown. The famous view spot in Li Jiang is its Old Town. It is said that the treasurable aspect of its old town is that it is an alive ancient city. There I found that it is so natural and harmonious that people live in those ancient-style buildings, which seems that situation exists all the time and never takes any chances. My friend and I really value the city’s orderly system of waterways and bridges, we walked along the small river and took so many pictures on these bridges. We even wanted to live there for several months if the time and condition is allowed. 丽江,这个隶属于云南省的一座小城,是我见过的最美的城市之一。三年前我跟一个朋友去丽江城来了个为期五天的旅游。事实上,我们很多时间都花费在路途中,因为我们的家离丽江很远,而我们为了观赏沿途美景所以乘坐火车去那。这个决定最后被证明是很值得。沿途的高山以及山间雨雾让我们印象深刻,这样的风景与我家乡十分不同。丽江最出名的景区是它的古城。据说丽江古城可贵之处就在于这是一座活着的古城。在那儿我发现人们生活在那些古风建筑里面,那情形自然又和谐,就好像那里一直是那种情形,从未改变过。我与朋友十分喜爱那错落有致的水道和桥梁,我们沿着小河散步,在桥上照相。如果时间和条件允许的话,我们真想再住上几个月。来源:作文地带整理

《美丽城市 A beautiful city》
