With people’s increasing awareness of environmental protection, renewable resources became very popular, thus experts and scientists in the field of energy also pay more attention to how to take full use of renewable resources. Solar energy is a well-known renewable resource. And now the most famous invention which adapted the solar energy technology is the solar water heater. Recently the solar water heater is widely used in most Chinese families for heating water. This kind of water heater has the advantages of being clean, safe, and cheap. It helps us improve the living standard. 随着人们的环境保护意识增强,可再生资源变得很受欢迎,而能源领域的科学家和专家也更加注重研究如何利用可再生资源。现在最出名的应用太阳能技术的发明就是太阳能热水器。近年来,太阳能热水器被大多数中国家庭广泛地用于加热水。这种热水器的优势就是干净、安全、廉价。它改善了我们的生活水平。来源:作文地带整理

《关于太阳能 About Solar Energy》
