Nowadays, the number of cellphone users rises rapidly and the time that people keep their eyes on their mobile screens is increasing as well. This behavior really creates lots of stress upon your eyes which is unhealthy. To combat this, one must be serious and aware. First of all, you should control your time of play phones. You’d better have a rest after focusing on the screen for an hour. Second, you may do eyes exercise and eat some fruit and vegetable which is good for your eyes’ health. In a word, taking care of your eyes, if you get eye disease, that won’t be a happy thing. 现在,手机用户的数量增长很快,而人们盯着屏幕的时间也增加了。这种行为会给你眼睛带来很大压力,也不利于眼睛的健康。为了改变这种状况,你必须警觉起来了。首先你应该控制玩手机的时间。最后是在玩一个小时后休息一下。其次,你也可以做些眼保健操,吃些对眼睛有好处的果蔬食品。总之,好好爱护自己的眼睛,如果你患上眼部疾病,那可不是什么高兴的事情。来源:作文地带整理

《你的眼睛需要休息 Your Eyes Need a Rest》
