One day when my friends and I had dinner in a restaurant and one of my friends found that the restaurant’s rule was unacceptable, and that is unallowable for one-off chopsticks. My friend was unsatisfied with that rule because she isn’t convinced of the sterilized situation of the tableware. The manager explained to us that this rule makes a contribution to saving resources and firmly promised the tableware had been washed out and sterilized. 有一天我跟朋友们在一家餐馆吃饭,我的一个朋友无法接受餐馆的一条规定,那就是不提供一次性筷子。朋友对此很不满,因为她总是不相信餐馆的餐具的卫生消毒情况。他们的经理向我们解释这项规定是为了节约资源,并保证他们的餐具都是经过清洗和严格消毒的。 This event reminded me of the controversial issue of the usage of one-off chopsticks. As far as I’m concerned, it is a waste of behavior to make extensive use of disposable chopsticks. And this waste behavior even leads to the reduction of trees. In addition, it is said that many workshops on disposable chopsticks have problems with sanitation. 这件事让我想起了人们争论一次性筷子的使用问题。在我看来,大量使用一次性筷子是种浪费的行为,而且还导致了树木的减少。此外,据说许多一次性筷子的作坊都存在着卫生问题。 There is good news that the government is spreading the policy of supporting disinfection tableware now. 值得高兴的是,政府正推行支持消毒碗筷的使用政策。来源:作文地带整理

《一次性筷子的使用 One-off Chopsticks》
