Regarding the meaning of life, the views vary from person to person. Some think life's meaning is to succeed in a career and get fame. Others hold the opposite ideas of the former. I believe that everyone must ask this question of the meaning of a lie, at least one time, in his life. Most of us may be confused about the answer, some will luckily find out one day, and however, others may even give up thinking. I used to be lost in this problem and frustrated for a long time. I felt confused about my future. Until I read a sentence of Aristotle, a philosopher in ancient Greek, that is “The ultimate value of life lies in awakening and the ability to think, not to survive.” That saying inspires me, and I realize that I may get the key to that puzzle. 关于人生的意义,每个人都有各自的想法。有些人认为人生的意义就是事业上的成功和取得名声。其他人则有着与前者相反的想法。我相信每个人在他的人生中至少问过自己有关人生意义的问题。我们大多数人都很困惑无法回答,我们中的有些人也许很幸运得总有一天找到自己的答案,而有些人却放弃思索答案。我也曾迷失在这个难题中,沮丧无助了很久。直到我读到古希腊哲学家亚里士多德的一句话,“人生的最终的价值在于觉醒和思考的能力,而不是在于生存。”这句话给了很大的启发,我觉得自己似乎找到解决问题的关键。来源:作文地带整理

《人生的意义 The Meaning of Life》
