It's hard to deny that with the developing of ecnomics there is more and more land used for housing and industry.But to use land is a two-folded weapen:you may get benifits from it,but in many cases you may meet troubles.
For my country,China,which has her children far more than any other country, the need to leave land in its natural condition outweighs the need to develope it for housing and industry.Here are the reasons for it.
First,China is one of the most polluted countries in the world.The need for land to be left undevoloped is more necessary now than ever before.Because in this way the land will bring us many plants and beasts,especilly plants, which contribute much to lessen pollution and make the earth a good place for living.
Besides,leaving the land alone is important for a country to devolope permanently.If we used up all the land for housing and industry,what shall we leave for our offspings?A polluted earth with her sopping face?That is a problem more and more recognized by many scients and poliotitions alike.
The last but not the least,the number of persons live in China is growing rapidly.To leave the land alone now and devolope it when it is necessary and can be used feasibly is the best way to solve the problem refered before.
In all,though it is a hard choice,more and more people are aware that the need for land to be left in its natural condition is more than be developed for housing and industry.
