Gongsun long, a well-known scholar in the Warring States period B.C., was a famous scholar in the state of Zhao during the Warring States period. He often said, "wise men should welcome those with special skills." one day, a man in rags came to see him and said, "I have a special person" Gong. "Gong asked," what's this? "Gong asked," I have a big voice.
I'm good at shouting. "Then Gong turned to his followers "Who is good at shouting?" he asked, but no one answered "yes". So scholars took the man on a journey a few days later.
They came to a wide river and found that the ferry was on the other side of the river. Suddenly, all the people in the river did not know. Gong thought of the shouting expert and turned to him and said, "can you try it?" The man realized that it was an opportunity to show his skills, and he yelled to the ferry man as loud as he could, "Hey, ferryman, come here, we're going to cross the river." After the voice was over, the ferryman came to pick them up.
Gong was very satiied. Later, he had a new follower. People used it to describe anyone with special professional skills.
When asked that you like to live with your roommates, the vast majority of the students replied that they would like to live in the dormitory, but few people think that they can't stand the dormitory environment, and the number seems to be increasing. First of all, there are three main reasons for this phenomenon: because most students never stay away from their parents, they are not used to living in dormitories. They will try to move and strive for more private space.
Moreover, the living conditions are generally not very good, there is no modern equipment, students must abide by many rules when living in the dormitory, roommates are from different places, living habits and my views are quite different. On the one hand, it is better for college students to live in dormitories, which is conducive to the communication between college students, on the other hand, it is also conducive to the development of social and vocational skills, living outside than living It's expensive in the dormitory. We can do something meaningful with the money we save from renting a house.
Sun long, a well-known scholar in the Warring States period B.C., was a famous scholar living in the state of Zhao during the Warring States period. He often said, "a wise man should welcome someone with expertise." one day, a man in rags came to see him and said, "I have a special skill." Gong Ruxin asked, "what is this?" "I have a big voice, and I'm good at shouting." then Gong turned to his followers and asked, "who is good at shouting?" but no one answered "yes". So the scholar took this man in.
A few days later, Gong and his entourage went on a journey. They came to a wide river and found that the ferry was on the other side of the river. All of a sudden, they didn't know.
Gong thought The shouting expert turned to him, "can you try it?" The man realized that it was an opportunity to show his skills, and he yelled to the ferry man, "Hey, ferry man, come here," we're going to cross the river. "When the voice came to pick them up, Gong was very satiied with his new followers." later, people used it to describe anyone with special professional skills.
From LiuXuePaper.com
