关于”写一篇质量问题投诉“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Write a quality complaint。以下是关于写一篇质量问题投诉的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Write a quality complaint
Complaints about poor service: to write a composition entitled "complaints about poor service", you should at least write a complaint about poor service according to the following Chinese outline. August 8, dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to complain about the service of your local express train, which changed my travel last week. But the main problem is first of all, in front of me When the train finally arrived in London, it was already six hours late.
"I think some measures should be taken to solve these problems. On the one hand, your train carriage needs regular maintenance, and your staff needs training on how to make your train I sincerely hope that the above problems can be solved as soon as possible. I look forward to your early reply.
Thank you for your sincere Tom young words).
关于服务方向不好的投诉:写一篇题为《关于服务不好的投诉》的作文,你至少应该根据下面的中文大纲写一篇关于服务不好的投诉xx月xx日亲爱的先生或女士,我写信给你是想投诉你当地的快车的服务,这使我上周的旅行发生了变化但主要的问题是首先,在我面前的那辆所谓的“豪华车”在一个安全的地方不太好,唯一的列车员是我见过的最没有帮助的人,当火车最终到达伦敦时,已经晚了六个小时了“我认为应该采取一些措施来解决这些问题,一方面,你的列车车厢需要定期保养,您的工作人员需要培训如何让您的列车旅途更加愉快您也必须努力确保您的列车准时离开和到达我真诚地希望上述问题能尽快得到解决我期待您的早日回复谢谢您的真诚的Tom Young words)。
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about a pen I bought from your company yesterday. But when I got home, I found that the refill that I claimed to include was missing. I am extremely dissatisfied with this.
I hope to get a refund from you and sincerely look forward to your reply, Paul Smith.
Xiao Xia saved the girl for a flood like girl, regardless of herself. She was washed away by the flood. Her smile was hidden in the flood.
Her struggle was not in the flood. Her kindness was always remembered in the bottom of my heart. What she sacrificed and the spirit that she no longer discussed with sun Shaoping.
Those ideas could no longer witness the persistence of love, and they were deprived of the future.
