关于"我们的地球怎么说"的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:What does our earth say。以下是关于我们的地球怎么说的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:What does our earth say
Hello, hi, what do you have that you can speak English if I don't speak English what am I talking about? Other people can speak English. You look at all the people playing. No one.
Sometimes you can wait for you to wait for you to go. God, someone can speak English. What's the matter with you on earth? I want to tell your head not to come tomorrow.
"Hello" "Hi" "what can I do for you" "you can speak English" "if I don't speak English what am I talking about" "other people can speak English" "you look like everyone's playing. No one has time. You can wait for you to wait for you." "my God, there are people who speak English here" "what do you mean to be quiet? What do you have on earth?" "I want to talk to your head"" It's not the head.
You'll come tomorrow. ".
[D ì Qi ú] Earth Planet: our earth moves in space. Many kinds of animals have now disappeared from the earth. Copernicus inferred that the earth revolves around the sun.
Now no one will question the fact that the earth is around the earth, the sun and the moon are spheres, and rockets circle the earth to return to the base? The earth rotates around an axis, and the earth is just one of the many planets in the universe.