关于"有参考文献"的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:There are references。以下是关于有参考文献的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:There are references
Reference: [AAAM]: G Alonso, D Agrawal, a El abbadi, C Mohan functions and limits of current workflow management systems technical report, IBM Almaden Research Center, will be published in IEEE expert [ASSR]: P Attie, m Singh, a Sheth, and m Rusinkiewicz specifies and performs task dependencies during the 5th international large database conference in Dublin, Ireland. Dublin page, [BSR]: a Bonner, a shruf, s Rozen labflow1: a database benchmark for high-throughput workflow management, the fifth intnl extended database technology conference, Avignon, France, March.
参考文献:[AAAM]:G Alonso,D Agrawal,A El Abbadi,C Mohan Functionals and Limitions of Current Workflow Management Systems Technical report,IBM Almaden Research Center,将在IEEE Expert[ASSR]上发表:P Attie,M Singh,A Sheth,以及M Rusinkiewicz在爱尔兰都柏林第五届国际大型数据库会议期间指定和执行任务间依赖关系,爱尔兰都柏林页,[BSR]:A Bonner,A Shruf,S Rozen LabFlow1:高通量工作流管理的数据库基准,第五届Intnl扩展数据库技术会议,法国阿维尼翁页,xx月。
Management information systems, McLeod, printice hall, Thomas r Peltier information security risk ysis, Rothstein Associates Inc h m Hassan & Charles Hutchinson natural resources and environmental decision information, World Bank Publications, Washington, D.C., Willian K., Michener, James W brunt and Susan G Stafford, environmental information management and ysis: ecosystems at a global scale, Taylor & franics Ltd., London, UK, Michael n Demers, Michael f Worboys GIS:A Computing Perspective Taylor & franics Ltd, Robert laurini, Derek Thompson fundamentals of spatial information systems, London, UK.
管理信息系统,Mcleod,Printice Hall,Thomas R Peltieririnformation安全风险分析Rothstein Associates Inc H M Hassan&Charles Hutchinson自然资源和环境决策信息,世界银行出版物,特区,Willian K,Michener,James W Brunt和Susan G Stafford《环境信息管理与分析:全球尺度的生态系统》,Taylor&Franics有限公司,英国伦敦,Michael N DeMers Michael F Worboys GIS:A Computing Perspective Taylor&Franics Ltd,英国伦敦Robert Laurini,Derek Thompson Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems学术出版社,伦敦,―。
Mackendrick, Paul, Greek stone speech: Stories new Greek archaeology York: St Martin Melzer, Milton and Walter hardingasolow: proffey press, Le New York: Crowell Scott, fset arenglish Grammar: linguistics its class and structure study Rex London: heinemana US Capitol society we, this character: the story of Washington, the capital of the United States Dund District: National Geographic Society, characters: stories, Congress, Capitol Association, Washington, DC: National Geographic Society graves, Robert, Greek mythology, Walt bartimoy, MD: Penguin graves, Robert Greek mythology Baltimore, MD: Penguin Juan Dreiser, Theodore resistance calid Kenneth sley, New York: Lynn Hart , sister Kenneth said, calibi Theodore Dreiser New York: Lane hartomas Lewis's lifestyle cell: Notes biological observer York: Viking Dimock, George Iger, Odysseus's name Odyssey: Modern selected criticism Charles H, Taylor Blooms: Indiana University Press, orstein, Robert Ethe psychology of consciousness, York: Harcourt downer, School of drama, University of Minnesota, pamphlets on American writers Freud, Sigmund totem and tabutran stracheney. York: Norton stratch, J., totem and taboo, Sigmund Floyd York: Norton spihaus, a and Jane, Encyclopedia of pollution control, B ritanica: pollution The Encyclopedia of dyeback, Columbia, Strout, RL novanother, two hundred years Christian Science Monitor, pcol Burghardt, on the origin of animal and human play Oxford University: Basil Blackwell Olney, autobiography and cultural moments: themes, history and bibliography introduction biography: theoretical s and key PP Princeton: Princeton University, Taylor press, thinking buffer for windows word processing: news magazine computer technology at the University of Denver: http: / / www NYTimescom / no Minneapolis University, Minnesota Press.
麦肯德里克,保罗希腊石头演讲:故事新的希腊考古学约克:StMartin梅尔策,米尔顿和沃尔特哈丁加梭罗普罗菲出版社leNewYork:克劳厄尔·斯科特,FSet阿伦格利什语法:语言学它的类与结构研究雷斯伦敦:海涅曼a美国国会大厦社会我们,这个人物:故事美国首都特区:国家地理学会人物:故事美国国会,美国国会大厦协会特区:国家地理学会格雷夫斯,罗伯特希腊神话沃尔斯巴提摩,医学博士:企鹅格雷夫斯,罗伯特希腊神话巴尔的摩,医学博士:企鹅卷德莱塞,西奥多抵抗者卡里德肯尼斯斯利纽约:林恩哈特,肯尼思·塞德修女卡里比西奥多·德莱塞新约克:莱恩哈特托马斯刘易斯的生活习惯单元格:注释生物观察者约克:维京普·迪莫克乔治·伊杰,奥德修斯的名字奥德赛:现代精选批评查尔斯H,泰勒绽放:印第安纳大学Presspp Orstein,Robert EThe意识心理学约克:哈考特唐纳,美国明尼苏达大学戏剧学院,关于美国作家弗洛伊德,西格蒙德图腾和塔布特兰斯特拉切尼的小册子约克:诺顿·斯特拉奇,J,《图腾与禁忌》,西格蒙德·弗洛伊德约克:诺顿·斯皮豪斯,A和Jane污染控制百科全书B丽塔尼卡:污染大百科全书哥伦比亚德尔布鲁克百科全书,来自马特尔的美国学者Strout,RL NovAnother两百年教科学箴言报,pCol Burghardt,关于动物和人类玩耍的起源牛津大学:巴兹尔·布莱克威尔奥尔尼,自传与文化时刻:主题,历史和书目介绍传记:理论论文和关键pp普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学泰勒出版社,对Windows文字处理的思考缓冲区:新闻杂志丹佛大学的计算机技术互联网:http://wwwnytimescom/No-Minneapolis大学明尼苏达出版社。
