关于"各种的结尾"的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Various endings。以下是关于各种的结尾的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Various endings
Espresso Espresso Cappuccino Coffee Latte Coffee American Coffee French coffee iced French coffee decaffeinated coffee special coffee (mandelin coffee and Brazilian coffee) instant coffee fresh ground coffee iced coffee espresso iced Mint Coffee iced cappuccino iced Vanilla Cappuccino iced Hazelnut Cappuccino fruit Cappuccino Lavender cappuccino Vanilla Cappuccino Hazelnut Cappuccino iced coffee iced Caramel Latte iced Vanilla Latte iced Hazelnut Latte iced Pineapple Latte iced Strawberry Latte iced fruit latte BlackBerry latte vanilla bean latte latte Lavender latte iced coconut latte BlackBerry latte iced mango iced peach latte peach latte cherry latte iced cherry latte Hazelnut Latte banana latte latte Latte Latte, latte, latte, latte, latte, latte, latte, latte, latte Iced coffee floating ice chocolate coffee chocolate coffee talasu coffee charcoal coffee Tres Rios coffee Vienna Coffee salono coffee Hawaii Kona Coffee Rose Lady Coffee iced Mexico coffee iced Swiss Coffee Brazilian coffee Royal Coffee Cointreau coffee Irish coffee ginger coffee Lady Coffee Coconut Coffee.
: Jasmine Samba: Rose clove, violet, violet, violet, violet, Daisy, gladiolus, Magnolia, Magnolia, freesia, cyclamen, Begonia, wisteria, Bauhinia, dogwood, hawthorn, hibiscus, peony, Rhododendron, Rhododendron, Daphne, gardenia, lilac, new year lily / pomegranate / Victor laurel / multi flower / cotton clove lady's eardrop / Bauhinia / lily / wallflower / Rhododendron peach / Lilac / Peony/ Ginkgo biloba, white peony and moth orchid / Magnolia / Christmas cactus Rose / tulip / / Camellia sinensis / common Trollius / African cello Indian blanket / jasmine / Sarang Rose / hyacinth / African Lily morning glory / Kafir lily / lady purse banana shrub / African Daisy / sensitive plant Arabian Jasmine / pitcher creeping Orchid / cockscomb / / Lotus / cypress vine / botree / Dahlia / scarlet Christmas bell Sage, Lagerstroemia indica, Lagerstroemia indica / / formeno water lily / Blueberry / Pulsatilla chinensis / sunflower / cornflower / bamboo / Hamamelis / Rose / honeysuckle / aged may Garden Nasturim Begonia / plantain / Angel Trumpet / root rose blossom apricot / Ginger Lily common Poinsettia / chrysanthemum / Icelandic poppy / Epiphyllum / iris / Royal Blue Winter sweetness / Burgundy / Flamingo / tricolor Viola / catalia//.
:桑巴:玫瑰丁香花紫罗兰紫罗兰紫罗兰,雏菊唐菖蒲属植物木兰玉兰兰小苍兰仙客来海棠紫藤紫荆山茱萸山楂绣球木槿牡丹杜鹃杜鹃杜鹃花达芙妮栀子花丁香新年百合/石榴/维克多月桂/多花/棉树丁香女士耳坠/紫荆/百合花/壁花/桃紫藤杜鹃花/丁香树/白芍/银杏白芍蛾兰/紫玉兰/圣诞仙人掌玫瑰/郁金香//普通山茶花/普通金莲花/非洲大提琴印度毛毯//莎朗玫瑰/风信子/非洲百合牵牛花/卡菲尔百合/女士钱包香蕉灌木/非洲雏菊/敏感植物伯/猪笼草匍匐兰花/鸡冠花//荷花/柏树藤/botree/大丽花/圣诞铃猩红色鼠尾草紫薇紫薇//福美诺睡莲/大青女蜘蛛植物/白头翁/向日葵/矢车菊/竹子/金缕梅/月季花/日本金银花/陈年maid garden Nasturim秋海棠/非洲芭蕉/天使小号/块根玫瑰开花杏/姜-百合-普通一品红/菊花/冰岛/昙花/鸢尾花/皇家蓝冬季甜味/波杰斯喷棉玫瑰纸花/火烈鸟花/三色中提琴/卡特莱娅//。
Cake [Ke k] cheese [t I: Z] cooking chocolate [' t ] chocolate [' t ] honey [' h Ni] ice cream [a : rice] red date [red ' U: D it's a good idea Biscuits] I love cookies. Procter and gamble patented their cookies. She sat there reading magazines and cookies in her coffee.
There were only five cookies left, which flattened a little when they were cooked. She made a batch of her special oatmeal cookies. She made them with some sugar, flour and butter.
I just made some chocolate cookies. They came with a large glass of real lemonade Things these cookies seem to reproduce all the texture and taste of honey that we remember when we were kids. Honey, if you like sweets now, add more honey, honey, don't talk so loud and disturb him to sweeten his dishes with honey or concentrated apple juice or pear juice.
Australians fry bananas and sweeten them with honey. Add honey to balance the acidity and heat the honey until it softens. Honey helps Body detoxification "you want more," Clare yelled.
"Forget it, honey," I said. "Honey, you see, mix eggs, oil and honey together. Honey is a natural acid.
蛋糕[kek]奶酪[ti:z]烹饪巧克力['tklt]蜂蜜['hni]冰淇淋[as克瑞:米]红枣[Red'du:du(:)b]布丁['pd]杏仁奶芝麻糊['sesmi peist]饼干我喜欢烤饼干宝洁公司为其饼干申请专利她坐在那里看杂志,在她的咖啡里泡饼干只剩下五个曲奇饼干煮的时候会稍微变平她做了一批她特制的燕麦片曲奇她加了一些糖,面粉和黄油做饼干我刚做了一些巧克力曲奇饼干饼干就是配上一大杯真正的柠檬水的东西这些曲奇似乎重现了我们儿时记忆中的所有质地和味道蜂蜜如果你现在爱吃甜食,就多加些蜂蜜,亲爱的,别这么大声说话,打扰他用蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁使菜肴变甜澳大利亚人炸香蕉并用蜂蜜使其变甜加入蜂蜜来平衡酸度加热蜂蜜直到它变软蜂蜜有助于身体排毒"你想要更多"克莱尔吼道"算了吧,亲爱的"我开口说,"亲爱的,你看把鸡蛋、油和蜂蜜搅在一起蜂蜜是一种天然的酸性物质。
