

关于"外籍老师"的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Foreign teachers。以下是关于外籍老师的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Foreign teachers

It is a common practice in many schools to pay high fees for foreign teachers. However, different people have different views on this issue. Supporters believe that it is conducive to the cultivation of students' listening ability and the improvement of school's foreign exchange and English teaching level.

However, opponents think it is a waste of money. Foreign teachers think that the money can be used to help poor students, so it is too high for them, Some people say that the employment of foreign teachers should rely on the financial resources of the school, we can not unrealistically compare with others.




Twenty years ago, foreign teachers were only allowed to work in universities and a small number of foreign language schools. They came to China as visiting scholars or in exchanges arranged by the education authorities. Now they can be found in almost every university in China.

In some big cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, foreign teachers work in high schools, primary schools and even children in many private foreign language schools Kindergarten work, small classes and individual tutoring classes of foreign teachers are very high-grade, because not all foreign teachers are native speakers of English. Our reporter once met an English teacher from Russia in the Training Department of a famous hotel in fivesta. Many Europeans speak English very well and know TESOL grammar very well.

On the recruitment website, people often ask if they can In order to teach in China, although they are not native speakers, native speakers of English are the first choice. However, if the applicant's English is good and his or her accent is not too strong, he or she is usually popular in China. Many foreign teachers are not born in English speaking countries.

However, the fact that they are all educated in English speaking countries and do not have a strong accent has caused complaints from some people. Mr. Pan, a Chinese Canadian teacher, said that many Chinese schools only care about foreign faces, not what they have Another foreign teacher said, "young foreigners are more popular, and students like them as much as they are.

They highly evaluate" why so many foreigners teach in China. Most foreigners are more interested in acquiring life experience than money. The average income of foreign teachers in Beijing is only yuan, which is far lower than their income in China.




The advantages and differences of employing foreign teachers. We can often see foreign teachers in our campus, usually they come from England or other countries. I think it's very good to employ foreigners as our teachers.

You know, they are British and their pronunciation is native. So we can follow them. They can also teach something we can't learn from Chinese class, such as brainstorming.

It's a good way of divergent thinking. At the same time, foreign teachers create an active classroom environment While others think it is not good to employ foreigners as teachers, because some of them are not native teachers, they do not know how to teach, their knowledge is limited, and some teachers' bad behavior has an impact on students. The advantages and disadvantages of employing foreign teachers are open to discussion, and qualified teachers with teaching experience, especially for Chinese students, can be selected.




