

关于"写一个父亲"的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Writing about a father。以下是关于写一个父亲的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Writing about a father

The success of the Olympic Games, we are very excited, because this is the first time for China and all Chinese people to host the Olympic Games. Our great country has made a lot of preparations for the Olympic Games, because our students planted a lot of trees, the environment more and more beautiful. All Chinese people are very happy to welcome friends from all over the world.

We believe that Chinese athletes will try their best to show us The strength of the Chinese people is now all ready. We would like to say to you, "welcome to China, we are ready." let's wish the Olympic Games a success.




What factors are important in finding a good job? Educational ability, experience, appearance, or character? I think that's important because when you're looking for a job, before you start introducing yourself, your appearance will be the first impression of the interviewer. A good appearance is easier to attract people's attention than education, and the ability to find a good job is also a key factor. Some companies need basic interview level, so if you have higher education ability, you can have more opportunities, although Before you have the opportunity to show your work ability, education ability is the only thing you can tell the interviewer that you are qualified for the third job.

No matter what kind of work experience you have, work experience is also important to find a job, which will have a lot of benefits for you. The last point is personality. I think your personality determines whether you are looking for a job or in the future What kind of job are you suitable for and whether you are qualified for your job, so it is necessary to yze yourself before you start looking for a job.




Duan Yunqiu, known as China's Paul, lost his legs and right arm in a train accident when he was only young. From then on, he had to carry his father to school. In order to prevent him from studying hard in his own school, he soon studied hard in bed.

Duan Yunqiu's deeds were widely spread on the Internet. Many people felt for what he had done and called him "the protector of China" Now Duan Yunqiu's autobiographical novels will be published when I have only one fourth of my body left. Readers all over China are looking forward to it.






  • 作文(Composition)是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。它可以是记叙文、说明文、应用文或议论文等不同体裁。作文不仅是学生练习写作的重要方式,也是表达个人观点和情感的重要手段。


