
关于"跟老师道歉"的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Apologize to the teacher。以下是关于跟老师道歉的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Apologize to the teacher

In today's English class, I was texting with my mobile phone. Suddenly, the teacher found out that the teacher told me to put away my mobile phone immediately after class. I apologized to the teacher and promised not to use it any more.

The teacher didn't blame me too much. I just said that it was a school rule not to use mobile phone. I hope I can keep my promise.




Tom and his classmates played football on the football field. The class passed quickly. They found that night fell and they couldn't see the goal clearly.

However, Tom suddenly kicked the ball to an apartment. Unfortunately, the house soon became his teacher. They went to the teacher's room and met him.

When he realized the truth, he forgave the little boys. He gave the football back to Tom and said he was an honest boy.




A forever friend "when the rest of the world is gone, a friend comes into your life." "sometimes in life, you will find a special friend who has changed your life. He is just a part of your life, a person who makes you laugh so much that you can't stop it. He makes you believe that there is a person in the world who makes you believe that there is a real existence The locked door is waiting for you to open.

This is forever friendship. When you are depressed, the world seems dark and empty. Your forever friend will cheer you up and make this dark and empty world suddenly bright and full.

Your forever friend will take you through the hard time, the sad time, the confused time, you turn away, your forever friend follows closely, if you lose your way, your forever friend will guide you, cheer for you, forever friend will hold your hand and tell you that everything will be OK, if you find such a friend, you will feel happy and complete, because you Don't worry, you will have a forever friend, never end.






