When a man died, on his way to another world, whether it was heaven or hell, he saw an extremely magnificent palace. The owner of the palace asked him to stay in the palace. "I've worked hard all my life.
Now I just want to eat and sleep, not work." The owner of the Palace said, if so, there is nothing better than here. My palace is rich in seafood and delicious food. You can eat whatever you want, and no one will stop you.
What's more, you can rest assured that you didn't have to do anything at that time. The man settled down in the palace at the beginning. The man felt very happy in the rotation of eating and sleeping.
But gradually, he felt a little lonely and empty. So he went to the shopkeeper and moaned. The days of eating and sleeping were boring.
Now I'm no longer interested in this kind of life. Can you help me find a job I'm sorry, there will be no work here in a few months. This man can't stand the life now and goes to the again.
If you don't give me a job, I can't bear this kind of life any more. I'd rather go to hell than live here. The of the Palace laughs contemptuously.
Do you think this is heaven? Is it actually hell.
There may be many people who think it is "yes" or "uncertain", and they have many reasons, but the question must have a correct and standard answer. I am a swimming pool. If I can have more money, I will be more happy.
But when I have the money to pay for the goods I want, after I have the money to pay for the house and the car, will I be satiied enough? I don't think so human beings are one When we have desire, we will progress. When we have more and more desires, the rich will have more desires than the pond people after meeting the minimum desire. When the pond people have only one wish: to be rich, the rich people's desire will be achieved.
的生命全给祖国的人因此,我们的生活不能缺少希望,可以为那些没有欲望的人,像一股海浪,随着风吹过而消失,毫无意义的我的愿望是成为一名书法家,让手中的笔“我心中的思绪在诠释”,梦想为了实现这个我早就期待的愿望,我从xx年级开始就开始和杨From LiuXuePaper.com
