

关于”整容的原因“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Reasons for cosmetic surgery。以下是关于整容的原因的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reasons for cosmetic surgery

Crystal Liu Yifei is my favorite idol. She is an actor and singer. She has beautiful eyes when she talks.

You can hear her voice is really sweet. She is an American, but she was born in China. When she was old, she came to the United States.

It is difficult to speak another language. You can see in her movies that she performed very well. She did not have plastic surgery.

I hope you can see that Like her, too.




First of all, a person's beauty will fade with the passage of time, but one's inner beauty will always shine (beauty will fade with time, but one's inner beauty will always shine). Elizabeth K ü blerros also said (Elizabeth K ü blerros said) her friends always make fun of her little eyes, saying that she should sometimes open them Eye opening (her friends always make fun of her little eyes that she should sometimes make public their opinions (people who hold opposite opinions) finally, plastic surgery is harmful and erous to people's health and even life (finally: not to use proper words to describe cosmetic surgery, it's so and so and AO) life is priceless, (life is precious wealth / life is priceless)( In short, a beautiful face is just a shell) after all, beauty is superficial, which makes people more attractive and more attractive) beautiful appearance can not make people better, which is also due to our different feelings of beauty (beautiful appearance does not make people superior, it will also be subject to different judgments, better expressed in sentences).




When it comes to cosmetic surgery, which is not new in modern society, but is still under heated discussion, there is no complete agreement among people. Some people think that this is beyond reproach, while others condemn this kind of behavior. People who hold the former view believe that a beautiful face can increase a person's self-confidence.

In addition, they believe that it can improve the competitiveness of those whose occupation requires perfect appearance, and only in this way can they gain a higher position among the compes. However, others hold a completely different view. They despise this practice, and they think it is internal beauty.

In addition, they think that most occupations emphasize the ability of workers rather than the beauty of appearance. I don't agree with people undergoing cosmetic surgery because if they are not handled properly, there will be great potential er, at least they will face diigurement or even lose their lives We should consider our health before we decide to change our appearance. After all, our health is the most important thing.



From LiuXuePaper.com


