

关于"表对比"的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Table comparison。以下是关于表对比的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Table comparison

One of your students, Li Ming, wants to study for a 's degree in a foreign university under the guidance of Professor Smith. Please write him a letter of recommendation. Don't sign your own name at the end of the letter.

You don't need to write an address. Dear Professor Smith, I'm writing to recommend one of my best students, Liu Ming. He wants to study for a 's degree under your guidance He is an excellent student in our university.

Judging from the written examination results of all subjects, he has passed the toetel test. What's more, when he was my research assistant in July, his English level was very good. In September this year, Liu Ming showed great enthusiasm and wisdom in academic research.

I believe that with his dice, intelce and great enthusiasm, he will make great contributions to the future academic research He has great potential in his career, so I recommend him to you without reservation. I am ready to provide further information according to your request. Li Ming shows the income comparison of a European company in the following table.

Using the information in the table, write a short article describing the overall changes of the company during this period, and write the word timeyear1qrt2qrt4qrt4 million dollars on the answer sheet.) The table shows the comparison of earnings. From a European company to each quarter of, we can easily find that the company's earnings in the year are relatively stable, fluctuating around one million in the whole year, rising in the second quarter and falling to the normal level in the third quarter. The annual company's profit level is relatively high, and it has increased steadily from several million yuan in the first quarter to the fourth quarter From the table and the table, we can clearly see that the annual income has been greatly increased, and shows positive signs of development.

Read a group of pictures carefully and write an article about words. You should describe the group of pictures, explain its meaning and point out its significance in our life.




The chart provides world-wide water use and water use in two different countries, summarizing this information by selecting and reporting key characteristics and comparing where relevant. The charts and tables show the water use situation of various sectors in the world and Brazil and Congo respectively from to. As shown in the figure, the global water use in three different sectors, namely agriculture, has shown two obvious trends in the past century: slow growth and rapid growth.

Comparing the data of two sample countries, we find that there is a huge difference between Brazil and Congo. Firstly, the agricultural water consumption gradually increases from the original cubic meters to the industrial and domestic water consumption, which is a growing trend, almost unchanged, but increases from almost zero in to cubic meters and cubic meters in the year. Secondly, the agricultural water consumption has entered a large range before and after During this period, the growth rate was slightly slowed down from cubic meters to cubic meters in, but then the growth momentum became stronger.

Industrial water consumption also began to increase significantly. After reaching cubic meters, it continued to grow at a greater speed. Household water consumption increased rapidly from cubic meters to cubic meters, and then accelerated growth, and rapidly increased in the third year To cubic meters.

It can be seen from the table that there is a huge gap between Brazil and Congo in terms of population, irrigated land area and per capita water consumption. Through the ysis of charts and tables, Brazil's irrigation area is twice that of Congo, and the per capita water consumption is almost twice that of Congo. We can safely draw the conclusion that water plays an increasingly important role in all aspects of our lives The water consumption gap between the two sample countries shows that the more developed a country is, the more water it will consume.





This table compares the opinions of male and female club members on the services provided by city sports clubs. From the answers, we can see that male members are generally satisfied or satisfied with the scope of activities of the club, but only dissatisfied. Only about two thirds of female members hold a positive attitude towards the scope of activities, and nearly one third of female members are not satisfied.

Only women and men were not satisfied with the club facilities, and most of them were finally very positive. Female respondents were much more satisfied with club opening hours than male respondents. Nearly three quarters of the respondents were very satisfied with the opening hours of the club, only dissatisfied with it, while almost all men were dissatisfied with it.

The table shows that female members are most dissatisfied with the scope of activities, while male members think that the opening hours are the least satisfactory aspect of the club.







