

关于"自我求职介绍"的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduction to self employment。以下是关于自我求职介绍的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to self employment

If the business is successful, the self-employed can make considerable profits. Losses will force them to go bankrupt and sometimes make them heavily in debt. The third disadvantage is that the self-employed do not have a guaranteed wage.

Their income may vary greatly, depending on the business conditions. However, in general, they can continue to make money, and the working class can continue to make money They usually enjoy fringe benefits, which means greater peace of mind. One of these benefits may be the insurance paid by the employer.

In the event of an employee's illness or accident, the employer will continue to pay the employee's wages. However, many self-employed people do not have such protection. The problem is that they are the first to earn insurance premiums.




When you interview, interview is a key factor. Perhaps the most important thing is to remember that there is no real negative effect from now on. As long as you are ready, I hope you will eventually get the job.

But even if you don't, you get valuable practice in the interview. Practice is absolutely beneficial to you. Never because you have participated in several interviews but you have not been given any experience The job described above becomes tired, complacent or pessimistic, and it is difficult to know how to predict yourself, especially when different sources provide conflicting suggestions, such as a career agency website may suggest that you keep close eye contact with interviewer, and rehearse the answers to some common questions by May next year, such as the mechanical use of employers Eye contact and overwhelming handshake have turned out to be a consensus on some things for those who have just read the manual "how to succeed in an interview".

These include: punctuality, and on the other hand, how to know that you have intervened in this test. As always, the key to success signal is as follows: three details If you have not included those communication after this interview, you are only told "waiting for notice", which means that you have failed in the interview. The examiner asks how the salary requirements for your application for the position are.

The new position you intend to do is what you expect. If you can check in, this discussion has been conducted through this point, and I hope that you can give you some benefits. Thank you.




Zhang Hong, female, 20 years old, is a middle school teacher. She was born in Qingdao in July and graduated from Qingdao Normal University in July. She has studied English for eight years.

She has strong English listening and speaking ability, gets along well with people, is meters tall, and is interested in singing and dancing. She wants to devote her life to enterprise management.






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