关于"怎样写古时候的名人"的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to write about famous people in ancient times。以下是关于怎样写古时候的名人的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:How to write about famous people in ancient times
Yao Ming is one of the most famous basketball players in the world. He began to play basketball at the age of nine, and showed his natural sports talent when he became a member of the national basketball team four years later. As the second Chinese player, he entered the NBA with a height of meters and excellent basketball skills.
He played a key role in the team and scored a lot in the game. In his spare time, although he has made great achievements, he likes playing computer games and entertainment. He is not arrogant at all.
He is always polite to others. As a versatile person in sports and morality, Yao Ming is not only the idol of agers, but also their pride. China: NBA.
In ancient times, in the north of the country, there lived a giant named Kuafu family, the leader of the Kuafu tribe, named kuakuaguaduqiao. He was big and strong willed. He was of extraordinary spirit.
Behind him was the desolation of the world. Poisonous snakes and wild animals were tyrannical. The people's life was miserable.
Kuafu's purpose was to live and lead every day People who fight against natural disasters boast and are often decorated by fierce yellow snakes.
BBC (Daily Mail) (Clive sun) The BBC has also faced celebrity problems: when a celebrity is big enough, he or she will become bigger for the company, because of his reputation, knighthood (the Queen's symbol of recognition) and his work for charity, but his exposure is much more serious than the BBC's previous scandals. Given his alleged criminal behavior, the host is a celebrity writer of the 1960s In part, this culture elevates pop music, film and television stars to a paradise where they are empowered to do what they want, because everyone they meet admires their reputation and constant public appearances, which means, paradoxically, this kind of personal abuse, if committed by an ordinary public, does not receive the attention it deserves 。 The best concealment of abuse has always been in the public eye What the BBC should do now, what it is already doing - News exposed to criticism, an action already in progress, on this and other issues, one of its most attractive features is that it is under investigation, there will be more apologies, and there may be new procedures and safeguards to be announced, but the BBC's top management must also make a clear and substantive response (also Perhaps Lord Patten, chairman of the BBC Trust, how will the new director general, George entwhistle, deal with the challenges ahead if he is not ready to think about the future as a whole.
英国广播公司(太阳报)(每日邮报克利夫森调查BBC 英国广播公司曾经也将面临名人问题:当名人足够大时,他/她会变得比萨维尔公司更大,因为他的名声、骑士身份(女王的认可标志)以及他为慈善事业做了大量工作,但他的曝光比BBC之前的丑闻要严重得多,鉴于他被指控的犯罪行为,这位主持人是xx年代名人文化的一部分,这种文化将流行音乐、电影和电视明星提升到一种天堂,在那里他们被授权做他们想做的事,因为他们遇到的每个人都崇拜他们的名声和不断的公开露面意味着,自相矛盾的是,这种私人如果它是由一个普通公众犯下的,它并没有得到应有的关注。对行为最好的隐瞒一直在公众的视线中 BBC现在应该做些什么,它已经在做什么——把暴露在批评面前的新闻,一个已经在做的行动,在这个问题和其他问题上,它最吸引人的特点之一是正在进行调查,会有更多的道歉,可能随后会宣布新的程序和保障措施,但BBC高层也必须作出明确和实质性的回应(也许是BBC信托会彭定康勋爵,如果新任总干事乔治·恩特惠斯特(George Entwhistle)还没有准备好对未来进行大局考虑,那么它将如何应对未来的这些挑战。
