The collection of the Louvre museum is managed by seven curatorial departments. The Ministry of antiquities of Egypt was established in to study and display the cultural relics brought back to France by Napoleon during the Egyptian campaign. The Department of Oriental heritage is famous for its collection of Mesopotamian and other Islamic art departments, including Greek, Roman and Etruscan antiques (including crown jewels in France) and the curator of painting and print.
The Department of antiques painting is considered by many scholars to be the most important in the world, including thousands of European works of various genres. Its huge collection covers from the Middle Ages to the century At the beginning, many works of Impressionist and post Impressionist painters in France, dating back to, were previously collected in the tennis court museum next to the Louvre and included in the music collection of Orsay on the left bank of the Seine. The Impressionist Impressionist Museum published catalogues and pamphlets.
In addition, it also published reviews of the Louvre, which contained articles on new acquisitions, and provided museum projects and other laws Information on the brochures of the Chinese Museum. The museum project on the Richelieu wing, opened by French President Mitterrand under the former Ministry of finance of the Louvre Palace, was vacated and converted into an exhibition area, ending the second phase of an ongoing project, which included the addition of IM, an American architect Pei's glass pyramid entrance, auditorium, temporary exhibition gallery, Louvre historical exhibition, medieval Louvre moat, restaurants, shops and parking facilities are vacated.
位于黎塞留翼的博物馆项目由法国总统密特朗(Mitterrand)在卢浮宫北翼(Louvre Palace)前占领下开幕,被腾空并改造成展览区这结束了正在进行的一个项目的第二阶段,因为这包括增加了由美国建筑师IM Pei设计的玻璃金字塔入口、礼堂、临时展览画廊、卢浮宫历史展览、中世纪卢浮宫护城河、餐厅、商店和停车设施腾空阶段。
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