快了,再有1天就是万圣节了。 虽然这个节日在中国并不流行,不过依然是属于10月份的一个节日,而且,只要万圣节一到,就代表10月份要结束了,11月份要开始了,期中考试要降临了,我们也离寒假不远了。没想到吧?一个万圣节竟然有这么多意义。 10月31日,外国的学生在挨家挨户的索取糖果,那充满稚气和成熟的一声“Chick or cheat!”是多么的令人向往,然而当他们在欢笑的时候,我们却闷在书堆里埋头苦干,为即将来临的期中考试作准备。这真是,很大的差别啊!心里总有那么一点点地不公平,毕竟我们还没有成年,看见别人在玩总会心里不平衡。 据说,万圣节晚上,小孩要穿着妖魔鬼怪的服装四处敲门要糖果,以此赶走企图入侵的幽灵魔鬼,保护全家人的平安,现在,已变成了一种节日的游戏。这么说来,驱鬼倒是跟中国的孩子有点相似,我们也要驱走妖怪,这个妖怪就是考试!!!只不过方式上有所不同,人家是要糖果,甜滋滋的赶走鬼怪,我估计还巴不得再来几只;我们呢,是靠啃书,把书里面啃不完的东西一股脑背熟,然后向“试卷鬼”发起大幅度的进攻。 取得的成绩是好是坏,只在一击之差。 哎,万圣节,借我一点力量,把试卷打败吧! Hurry up, 1 more days will be halloween. Although the holiday is not popular in China, but is still a holiday, belong to the October and, as long as a Halloween, on behalf of the October to the end of November, to begin, the mid-term exam is coming, we are not far away from the winter vacation. Didn't you think? A Halloween has so much meaning. In October 31st, foreign students in obtaining the candy from door to door, full of childlike and mature sound of "Chick or cheat!" is how exciting, but when they laugh when we are bored work in books, for the coming mid-term examinations of preparing. This is really a big difference ah, there is always a little bit of injustice in the heart, after all, we are not yet adult, see others playing, always in the balance of mind. It is said that Halloween night, children should wear clothing to knock around demons and ghosts to get rid of candy, attempts to invade ghost devil, protect the whole family safe, now has become a holiday game. So, it is Chinese children with exorcism is somewhat similar, we have to drive away the monster, the monster is the only test!!! The way is different, people want candy, sweet get rid of ghosts, I estimate you wish again a few only; we do, is to rely on the books, the book inside eating endless everything to memorize, and then initiate greatly to the examination paper of "ghost" attack. The results are good or bad, only a difference in the strike. Well, Halloween, lend me a little bit of strength to beat the test paper!!【篇二】有关万圣节的英语日记
今天晚上,八点去万圣节游 行,我们去平台集合,举行万圣节游 行。 我猜今天游 行的人数有二十五人,我们穿了很多希奇古怪的衣服,我穿的衣服和翁嘉宝一模一样。我戴的是红色的面具,我还拿了一把很长的塑料大刀。 有一些人没有戴面具,但是大部分人都戴了面具,我还看到很多魔法帽,还有斗篷。但是还有人穿蜘蛛侠的衣服,刘炫彤也去了万圣节游 行,她打扮成一个女巫,还拿了一个扫帚。 叶正则还打扮成一个死神,还拿了一个镰刀。 我们先去了杨露菲,结果走错路了,到了别人家但是没有拿到糖果。 我们又去杨露菲家拿了糖果,那些人一窝蜂挤在一起去抢,我抢到了一些。然后我们去了陈睿曦家,谢敏则家,然后去了周航冰家,后来就去了孙乐天家等等。 我最喜欢聂安琪家,因为我在他们家抢到的东西最多,我弄完周航冰就走了。 可惜我不能再去,因为我要回家,我今天玩得非常开心,下次还想玩。 This evening, at Halloween at eight, we go to the platform to assemble and hold a Halloween parade. I guess today's parade has a number of twenty-five people, we are curious to wear a lot of clothes, I wear clothes and Weng Jiabao as like as two peas. I'm wearing a red mask and I've got a long plastic knife. Some people don't wear masks, but most people wear masks, and I also see a lot of magic hats and cloaks. But others wore Spiderman clothes, and Liu Xuantong went to the Halloween Parade. She dressed up as a witch and got a broom. Ye Zhengze was dressed up as a reaper and had a sickle. We first went to Yang Lufei, the wrong way, to others but not get candy. We went to Yang Lufei's house again and got the candy. The people rushed together to grab it. I grabbed some. Then we went to Chen Ruixi's house, Xie Min's house, and then to the Zhou Hangbing's house, then we went to Sun Letian's house and so on. Nie Anqi I love most, because I got the most things in their home, I finished the week Hangbing away. Unfortunately, I can't go any more, because I'm going home. I had a great time today. I want to play next time.【篇三】有关万圣节的英语日记
今天是万圣夜,明天就是万圣节了,妈妈说,在国外的家庭今天晚上都要点上南瓜灯,装扮成一个很恐怖的气氛。像我这样的小伙伴晚上可以去狂欢,还可以要到糖果。可刺激了。 Today is Halloween, tomorrow is Halloween, my mother said, families in foreign countries will order pumpkin lights tonight, dressed up as a very scary atmosphere. Little friends like me can go to the carnival at night and ask for candy. It's exciting. 我们英语班准备在后天开个万圣节的晚会,要求我们都要化装,也可以穿一些奇形怪状的衣服去。 Our English class is going to have a Halloween party the day after tomorrow. We are all required to dress up or wear some strange clothes. 爸爸说,等我长大了,就带我去国外过万圣节,我很期待啊。 Dad said, when I grow up, I will take me abroad for Halloween. I'm looking forward to it.【篇四】有关万圣节的英语日记
月光光,心慌慌,一年一度的恐怖万圣节来临了。伴着一阵鬼哭狼嚎声,小鬼“小爱”从天而降。 “啊”“天天的血被吸光了,小丁的头发被剃光了,教师的黑板被划了。”“救命啊”教室里一片沸腾。“小爱”正得意,突然,“哗”只见“小爱”被淋湿了,一开灯,小爱现身了。“切,你呀,坚持不到底,被人发现了,看我的!”高说。 高的戏演的不错,上场就把菜鸟们都收拾一顿。哎呦,后果惨不目睹。 发糖时间,我们装着小鬼,“挨家挨户”去要糖。嘴里还说不给糖就捣蛋的话。由于所有人都害怕,所以我们赚了不少。 虽然我们都很快乐,但是我们没玩够,我期待着下一个万圣节的到来…… The moonlight, the panic, the annual horror halloween. With a loud wail like ghosts and howl like wolves "little love", drop from the clouds. "Ah," every day the blood was taken away, Xiaoding's hair was shaved, and the teacher's blackboard was scratched." "Help!" the classroom was boiling. "Love" is proud, suddenly, "wow" and "little love" wet, light, little love appeared. "Cut, you ah, persist in not the end, have been found, look at me."!" Gao said. The high play was good, and the rookie picked up all the rookies. Oh, do not see the consequences. Here's the sugar time. We're carrying little kids and going door to door asking for sugar. And say "trick or treat". As everyone was afraid, we made a lot of money. Although we are all very happy, but we haven't played enough. I'm looking forward to the next halloween......【篇五】有关万圣节的英语日记
今天我参加了英语学校的万圣节狂欢,我来到教室先看到了黑黑的房子,上面有黑色的纱,钻过黑色的纱后来到房间还是很黑,我有点害怕,怕遇到魔鬼,过了一会灯打开了我才不怕了。 我们先画了南瓜灯,然后吃了挂在绳子上的苹果,好难啊,我吃了好长时间都没吃到,幸亏妈妈帮我把苹果固定了一下我才吃到,后来我们还分到了糖果,真开心,我度过了快乐的一天。 Halloween carnival today I took part in the English school, I came to the classroom to see in the dark, dark house, there is black yarn, through the black yarn later to the room is very dark, I am a little afraid, afraid of the devil, after a while lights I am not afraid of. We first drew a pumpkin, and then ate the apple hanging on the rope, good hard ah, I ate a long time didn't eat, all thanks to the mother a apple for me, I didn't have to, then we also points to the candy, really happy, I have a happy day.【篇六】有关万圣节的英语日记
Look forward to a long time of Halloween has finally come. School organization each class to do a pumpkin lights, my class pumpkin looks small and exquisite, some also with eerie. Its strange eyes, mouth greatly, like to eat the rest of us. Then suddenly dark, we put the shiny pumpkins in the central lighting we. (at that time didn't turn on the light) Then we launched a thrilling "spirits" game. I bring the flow of blood mask, began to scream like a ghost. I and a "potato" soil lay in ambush behind a girl, I patted the girl's shoulder, but "soil potato people" learn to sneer at the ghost. The girl turned to quivering, we toghter screamed, the girl turned pale with fright, burying his face in his "ah" fly away, and we are delighted to snigger in cold place, grateful to successfully scared away a girl ah. Yang, on the other hand, the teacher is wearing a cloak, which pupils who she put on the head, who once caught, other ghosts will be to help the "the devil" throw the bad guy in the gate, and sent two "protect the devil who" hold the "prison", don't let him come in again. Playing playing, do not know from where comes out of a "team" to candy to the teacher or a classmate to candy, and team is more and more big, the circulation in preparatory department. I ask students to join this, and said he'd thought for candy to others. The team took the "magic" with this group of our "small magic" relentlessly broke into a classroom, "led the magic" shouted 1: "slogan!" The "little magic" then cry loudly together: "give... give me sugar! Give me sugar!..." The scene is spectacular: the teacher threw a handful of sweets in the middle of the classroom, all set "the little demon", crowded a crowded, push, push, rob's rob. Eventually I grabbed a milk sugar, not to have to leave somewhat despondently. Back in the class, I counted the harvest tonight, well, very good, that had a grain of sugar, please. It's a pity that a happy moment is always so short, happy Halloween is coming to an end. 盼望以久的万圣节终于来临。学校组织每个班做一个南瓜灯,我班的南瓜灯看似小巧玲珑,其中也带着一些阴森恐怖。它的眼睛奇形怪状的,嘴巴张的大大,像似要吃掉我们一样。一转眼就夜幕降临,我们把闪闪发亮的南瓜灯摆在中央来照明我们。(当时没开灯) 接着我们就展开了一场惊心动魄的“鬼抓人”游戏。我带上那流着鲜血的面具,开始像鬼一样的尖叫起来。我和一位“土薯人”埋伏在一位女生后面,我拍了拍那个女生的肩膀,而“土薯人”却学着鬼的冷笑。这个女生颤颤巍巍地转过脸来,我们一齐尖叫起来,这个女生吓得脸色发白,“啊”的一声捂住脸飞似的逃走了,而我们却幸灾乐祸地在冷处暗笑,庆幸自己成功地吓走了一位女生呵。另一方面,杨老师正披着一件披风,哪位同学上来她就把谁头蒙上,谁一但被抓住,其他的鬼魂也会来帮助这个“大魔头”一起把这个不幸的家伙扔在门外,并派两名“护魔鬼卫”守住这个“监狱”,不让他再次进来。 玩着玩着,不知从什么地方冒出了一个“要糖队”,专门向老师或同学要糖果,而且阵容越来越大,在小学部中循环。我叫同学都去加入这一行列,并说要想法向别人讨糖果吃。这个队的“领魔”带着我们这群“小魔”毫不留情地闯入一个教室,“领魔”高喊一声:“口号!”“小魔”们便一起高声呐喊起来:“给我糖!给我糖!给……”这个场面真是壮观:老师把一把糖果扔在教室中间,所有“小魔”一拥而上,挤的挤,推的推,抢的抢。最终我抢到了一颗牛奶糖,没抢到的只好灰溜溜地离开了。回到班级里,我数了数今夜的收获,嗯,非常好,一共得了十五粒糖。 可惜快乐的时光总是那么短暂,愉快的万圣节结束了。【篇七】有关万圣节的英语日记
今天是西方的万圣节,我和爸爸妈妈去苏州乐园,参加万圣节活动。 我一进门就感到非常热闹!好多好多的妖魔鬼怪!其实他们都是游客扮演的。这时我看见花车巡游队来了!花车上的人下来了,有猫精、死神、吸血鬼等等,我跟他们一一合影。 其实最有活力的是我(王欣),我穿着橙色的南瓜衣,带着南瓜帽,拿着南瓜篮,我就是南瓜小仙子!爸爸戴个骷髅头面具,妈妈拿着荧光棒,我们是魔鬼组合,我们跟着人流走到了加勒比广场上。噢!原来这里有表演,节目是群魔乱舞,这真是太精彩了。我们正看得兴高采烈的时候,谁在拍我的肩膀?我回头一看,有个妖怪把我吓了一大跳!原来演员表演完,就跑下台来吓唬大家了。 时间越来越晚了,爸爸说:“我们要回家了。”然后我们就恋恋不舍地走了。 反正今天我是度过了一个有趣的万圣节。 Today is Halloween in the west. I went to suzhou park with my parents and went to Halloween. I feel very lively as soon as I get in! Many, many monsters! They are all tourists. Then I saw the floats! The people on the float came down, cats, death, vampires and so on. I took pictures with them. The most dynamic is me (wang xin), I am wearing orange pumpkin, with pumpkin cap and pumpkin basket, I am the pumpkin fairy! Dad wears a skeleton head mask, mom with a fluorescent stick, we are the devil combination, we follow the crowd to the Caribbean square. Oh! It turned out that there was a performance, and the show was a dance, and it was wonderful. Who's patting me on the shoulder when we're looking at it in high spirits? I looked back, and there was a monster that startled me! The actor finished his performance and ran off to frighten everyone. It was getting late, and dad said, "we're going home." Then we went away. Anyway, today I had an interesting Halloween.【篇八】有关万圣节的英语日记
昨天下午,妈妈和哥哥带我去参加万圣节活动。活动地点在海洋馆广场。 那里人很多,摆了很多桌子和凳子。漂亮的姐姐首先给我画了妆,盘了头发,姐姐又让我选了一件黄颜色的漂亮的公主裙,还给我戴上了米老鼠发卡。活动开始了,第一个活动是做南瓜灯,我做的南瓜灯是微笑的模样,嘴有点可怕。 第二个活动是抽奖,我幸运的被抽到了,我得到了一张海洋馆3D体验馆的门票。第三个活动是讨要糖果,我们去了四家店铺讨要糖果。第四个活动是跳集体舞。第五个活动是个人秀,我走模特步时像模像样的。第六个活动是发礼物,礼物有相框、面具、画画板、妙脆角,还有好多商家的优惠劵。其中还有雅典娜的优惠劵,妈妈说有空领我去雅典娜照相,可以制作新年台历,我很期待哦! 活动结束后,我和妈妈、哥哥去了海洋馆3D体验馆。里面有很多立体的画,哥哥给我照了很多照片,很好看,大家想看吗? Mom and my brother took me to Halloween yesterday afternoon. The event is at the aquarium square. There were so many people, many tables and benches. My beautiful sister first put on my makeup and my hair, and my sister asked me to choose a nice yellow princess dress, and put on my Mickey Mouse hair card. The activity begins, the first activity is to make the jack-o '-lantern, the jack-o' -lantern that I make is the appearance of the smile, the mouth is a little fearful. The second event was a lucky draw, and I was lucky enough to get it, and I got a ticket for the aquarium 3D experience museum. The third activity was to ask for candy. We went to four stores and asked for candy. The fourth activity is the group dance. The fifth activity was a personal show, and I walked as a model. The sixth activity is a gift, a picture frame, a mask, a drawing board, a nice crisp Angle, and a lot of merchants' coupons. Among them are the coupons of Athena, and my mother said that she would take me to Athena to take pictures and make a New Year's calendar. I look forward to it! After the event, my mother and I went to the aquarium 3D experience museum. There are a lot of three-dimensional paintings in it. My brother took lots of pictures of me. It's very nice. Would you like to see it?【篇九】有关万圣节的英语日记
October is a carnival season, on October 31, this day, we went to the hangzhou paradise Halloween. Standing at the gate of the Halloween carnival area, there is a huge and horrible skeleton, ten meters high, is spectacular. Carnival in many entertainment facilities, among them, the most exciting belongs to the "gouhun the train". "Gouhun train" is a 880 meters of train track, is very magnificent. Before my mother and I came to the team, the team has seven columns, more than three hundred individuals, we stood in line for an hour and a half, it's our turn at last. We are on the car, fasten the safety belt, ready to go. The train started moving slowly climbed the 40 m high slope. In the above, I see the carnival area many entertainment facilities, and the green trees. "Boom -" the train rushing down from the "slope", I feel like I'm floating up. Then, train and to turn over two fall at fast speed, the screams. After 5 minutes, the train into the station, I dizzy the car underground, the heart also jumped on the "beat", went to play with other projects. Next, we also play speed, turntable, hell ghost ship such as fun and exciting project. Carnival zone often have "devil parade", those who wear very terrorist. Sometimes, a zombie walk from behind, voldemort standing on high become warped wobbled, and even a alien walked leisurely manner with long legs... It's diversity. I still and they trick-or-treaters! Happy day to end soon, the beautiful sunset quietly. 十月是一个狂欢的季节,在十月三十一日这一天,我们去了杭州乐园参加万圣节活动。 站在万圣节狂欢区门口,有一个巨大的、恐怖的骷髅,足有10米高,可壮观了。狂欢区里的娱乐设施很多,其中,最刺激的就属“勾魂列车”了。 “勾魂列车”有一条长达880米的列车轨道,十分雄壮。我和妈妈来到队伍前,那队伍有7列,三百多个人,我们排了一个半小时的队,终于轮到我们了。我们上了车,系了安全带,准备出发。列车开动了,缓缓地爬上了40米高的`“坡”。在上面,我看到狂欢区的许多娱乐设施,和那绿油油的树木。“轰——”列车从“坡”上冲下来,我感觉自己飘起来了。接着,列车又以飞快的速度翻了两个跟头,尖叫声此起彼伏。5分钟后,列车进了站,我晕头转向地下了车,心还在“怦怦”地跳,就去玩别的项目了。接下来,我们还玩了生死时速、地狱转盘、幽灵船等好玩又刺激的项目。 狂欢区里经常有“魔鬼大巡游”,那些人都穿得很恐怖。有时,一个僵尸从背后走过,魔王踩着高翘摇摇晃晃,甚至长着长腿的外星人慢悠悠地走来走去……真是千姿百态。我还和他们合了影呢! 快乐的一天很快结束了,美丽的夕阳悄悄。【篇十】有关万圣节的英语日记
今天,我兴致勃勃地去学校。一到学校,我就看到同学们都戴着五花八门的面具,有的是南瓜,有的是巫婆,还有的是魔法师。他们戴的面具好恐怖啊。哈!因为今天是万圣节。我飞快地跨进教室,把书包放下,也戴上了我的面具,我的面具是吸血鬼。 上午我们的活动是走秀,我神气地走上舞台,摆出一个最恐怖的造型,让大家吓得浑身发抖。没想到的是,我们的楼校长也来参加万圣节狂欢了,他戴着佐罗的面具,我们一点也没认出他来。 下午我们去了“跳蚤市场”。在跳蚤市场我看见了书本、胸章等等。经过讨价还价,我用了十块钱买了印章、牛肉干、玩具模型。 今年的万圣节狂欢真有趣,真期待下次万圣节! Today, I went to school with great interest. As soon as I arrived at school, I saw students wearing all kinds of masks, some pumpkins, some witches, some sorcerers. The mask they wear is terrible. Ha! Ha! Because today is Halloween. I quickly entered the classroom, put my bag down and put on my mask, my mask was a vampire. In the morning, our activity was a runway show, and I walked up to the stage with a swagger and a scariest look, shaking everyone. To my surprise, the principal of our building also came to the Halloween party. He was wearing zorro's mask and we didn't recognize him at all. In the afternoon we went to the flea market. At the flea market I saw books, badges and so on. After bargaining, I used ten dollars to buy the seal, beef jerky, toy model. This year's Halloween carnival is really interesting. I'm really looking forward to the next Halloween!
