teacher, you are hard gardener, nurturing the seeds of those of us so that we take root, grow! You are the architects of the future, brick by brick of hard work!You are the light of candles to illuminate us, but just not light up themselves. Today, we are blessed with a sincere thank you! Teacher, your hard work! I wish the teacher students everywhere! 老师,您是辛勤的园丁,培育了我们这些种子,使我们生根发芽,茁壮成长!您是未来的建筑师,一砖一瓦的辛勤工作!您是点燃的蜡烛,照亮着我们,却唯独没有照亮自己。今天,我们用真诚的祝福感谢您!老师,您辛苦了!祝老师桃李满天下!【篇二】教师节英语日记
9月10日教师节我们来到学校,学校门口人真多,小店门口买贺卡的人数不胜数,同学拿着从小贩那儿买来的鲜花喜滋滋地走进教室,但我并不想凑热闹。因为我早有准备,花店的人8点钟就会把花送来。我在花店里挑了三盆红掌,它们养在晶莹剔透的玻璃瓶里,青翠欲滴的叶子、娇艳似火又形如手掌的花朵,真是人见人爱。我想这肯定是份特别的礼物。吃好早饭已经是8点钟了可是花还没送来。我真是心急如焚啊,要做操了,我只有先去做早操了。做完操已经8:40分了,我急匆匆地来到妈妈办公室,我的鲜花已经乖乖地在等着我了。On September 10, teacher's day, we came to the school gate. There were so many people who bought greeting cards at the gate of a small shop. So many students came into the classroom happily with flowers bought from the peddler, but I didn't want to join the party. Because I've got the florist ready to deliver the flowers at 8 o'clock. I picked three pots of red palms in the florist's shop. They are kept in crystal clear glass bottles. They have green leaves, delicate flowers like fire and palms. They are really popular. I think it must be a special gift. It's eight o'clock to have breakfast, but the flowers haven't come yet. I'm so anxious to do exercises. I have to do morning exercises first. It's 8:40 after the exercise. I hurried to my mother's office. My flowers are waiting for me.
How can I take these three pots of flowers? Our classroom is on the fourth floor or basin by basin. The first basin is for teacher Shen, the teacher in charge of the class, to see the flowers when her voice is tired. The second basin is a hundred books for teacher Yao, who is a math teacher. They need to spend their eyes to let him see more green. The third is to give English teacher Chen hope that he is more and more natural and romantic.
This is my special gift for teachers' day.
Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day and I can’t help thinking of my teachers. They do the GREat job in the world. They not only teach us knowledge and skills. The more important is that they teach and guide us to be a person who is useful to our society. They ACT as models to lead us to be a kind and warm-hearted person. They are always patient and careful to students, caring they needs in study and life. They work hard to get more knowledge and to help students make proGREss. For them, the improvement of students is the best reward. Therefore, I want to say “Happy Teachers’ Day” sincerely to teachers. Hope them everything goes well both in work and life. 明天是教师节,我不禁想起了我的老师们。他们做着世界上最伟大的工作。他们不仅教给我们知识和技能,更重要的是,他们教导我们成为对社会有用的人。他们是引导我们成为善良热心的人的榜样。他们对学生总是耐心和细心,关心他们学习生活上的需要。他们努力学习更多知识,帮助学生取得进步。对他们来说,学生的提高就是对他们的奖励。因此,我想真诚的祝他们“教师节快乐”。希望他们工作生活顺利。【篇四】教师节英语日记
在教师节即将来临之际,梁老师,我想对您说:“老师啊!节日快乐!” 每当我来到海石花写作学校,我总会一次又一次地禁不住看看你在黑板上板书的样子,那不高不矮的身影在黑板不停地跳跃。您虽然还没有教我多久,但是我也会时常想起第一次来海石花的那一天……那天,尽管我在这里补习过,可每次换新老师上课,我总会不知不觉地紧张。我用冒了汗的手推开教室的门,我见您已经早早来到了。您那中等的个儿,一头长发披在肩上。您抬头对我笑了笑。啊!那笑是多么得温柔,多么得宁静。我好像吃了一颗定心丸,觉得全身轻松了…… 还有一次,也就是我第一次收到您改的作文时,我把刚发下的作文塞进了书包里,心想:我的作文到底得了多少分,是不是很低?我的心怦怦直跳,用颤抖的手抽出作文。只见,一排红色的修改符号出现在眼前:错字圈出来,好句子用破浪线画出来,多余词句画一条红尾巴……那一瞬间,我感动了!您改得是那么一丝不苟,那可不是简单的标点符号!它饱含着您的温情,我似乎闻到您的汗味。 老师,您辛苦了!今天,我虽然没给您一份教师节的礼物,但是,当您读到这封信的结尾时,一定会收到我最诚挚的祝福:节日快乐! On the occasion of Teacher 's Day approaching, Mr Leong, I want to say to you, "Teacher! Happy! Whenever I came to the sea stone flower writing school, I always again and again to see you look at the blackboard on the blackboard, it is not tall and bad figure in the blackboard constantly jumping. Although you have not taught me how long, but I will always think of the first time to sea stone that day ... ... that day, although I have tutoring here, every time a new teacher class, I always unknowingly nervous The I pushed the door of the classroom with the hand of my sweat. I saw you coming early. Your middle of the child, a long hair on the shoulders. You smiled at me. what! How smiled is so gentle, how quiet. I seem to eat a reassurance, feel the body relaxed ... ... Another time, that is, the first time I received your composition, I just made the composition into the bag, I thought: my writing in the end how many points, is not very low? My heart pounding, with a trembling hand out of composition. Saw a row of red modified symbols appear in front: wrong words out, good sentences painted with broken lines, the extra words to draw a red tail ... ... that moment, I moved! You are so meticulous, it is not a simple punctuation! It is full of your warmth, I seem to smell your sweat. Teacher, you worked hard! Today, although I did not give you a gift of Teacher's Day, but when you read the end of this letter, you will receive my most sincere wishes: happy holidays!【篇五】教师节英语日记
“长大后我就成了你,才知道那块黑板,写下的是真理,擦去的是功利。长大后我就成了你,才知道那支粉笔,画出的是彩虹,洒下的是泪滴……”这首歌道出了我们此时的心声——几天后是第三十六个教师节,我们想为老师做些什么。 带着对老师的感恩,我们怀着激动的心情精心制作贺卡,我想对老师说:老师,你们就像一个个辛勤的园丁,用知识浇灌了我们这些娇小的花朵。六年了,我们才从娇小的花朵变成沐浴在阳光下的坚强的花朵,这些都是你们的功劳。我又想到章老师,加快速度,在“畅所欲言”这一版块中写:“祝愿您在以后的日子里像海绵宝宝一样开心,像羊羊们一样可爱,像灰太狼一样乐观,像小魔仙一样充满活力!” 做完贺卡的我急于把它送给章老师,便与江玉鑫一起去。下楼梯时,我听到一年级新生在读:“1+1=2……”我心里又泛起阵阵涟漪。章老师虽不是我们的班主任,也不是从一年级起开始带我们的,但是却对我们关怀备至,与徐老师一起处理过我们的好多琐事。这些事,早已超出了一个数学老师的职责范围。 我走着走着,一抬头已经来到了她的办公室。我腼腆地拿出了贺卡,说:“祝章老师节日快乐!”章老师对我的惊喜表示惊讶,她不断询问我最近怎么样,令我受宠若惊。 我默默退出办公室,脑海中依然浮现着章老师喜笑颜开的面容,我会心地笑了…… 这个教师节我虽然只送了一张小小的贺卡,但是却承载着我们对老师的浓浓深情。 I grew up after I became you, only to know that piece of blackboard, write the truth, wipe is utilitarian.When I grew up I became you, know that chalk, draw the rainbow, sprinkle Under the tears ... ... "This song tells us the voice at this time——a few days after the Thirty-six Teacher's Day, we want to do something for the teacher. With the gratitude of the teacher, we with the excitement of the heart carefully produced greeting cards, I would like to say to the teacher: teacher, you like a hard gardener, with knowledge of watering our petite flowers. Six years, we only from the petite flowers into the sun in the strong flowers, these are your credit. I thought of the teacher, to speed up the speed, in the "speak their minds," this section wrote: "I wish you in the days like a sponge baby as happy, like the sheep as cute, as optimistic as the gray wolf, like a small magic fairy Energetic!" Finished the greeting card I am eager to send it to the chapter teacher, and Jiang Yuxin go with. Down the stairs, I heard the first grade freshman in reading: "1 + 1 = 2 ......" my heart and thrown bursts of ripples. Although the teacher is not our class teacher, nor from the first grade began to take us, but we are concerned about, and Xu together with us to deal with a lot of trivia. These things have long been beyond the scope of a math teacher. I walked and walked up and came to her office. I am shyly out of the greeting card, said: "I wish the teacher happy holiday!" Zhang teacher surprised me surprised, she kept asking me how I recently, so I was flattered. I quietly quit the office, my mind still emerge with the chapter cheerful face, I will smile ...... This teacher section, although I only sent a small greeting card, but it carries our deep affection for the teacher.【篇六】教师节英语日记
今天,是一年一度的教师节,小女孩缇欣在上学路上一边走一边想:今天就是教师节了,我应该送什么给老师呢?她走着走着,停了下来,坐在草地,托着下巴深思起来。忽然,她闻到一阵花香,她看了看旁边的野菊花。她灵机一动,“有了。”她摘下几束野菊花,因为菊花的功劳大,而老师也一样。她走到办公室的门口,见到老师一大早就来到学校批改作业,心想:老师多辛苦呀!于是,她跑到墙角下蹲着,等着,一直等了半个多小时。当阳光照进老师的窗前,老师一望窗外,已经快上课了,便转身到洗手间洗把脸。缇欣一发觉,便把头探出窗外,悄悄的站起来,把那几束浅黄色的野菊花轻轻地插进老师的笔筒里。 阳光照进窗子里来,办公室里的一切都好像镶上了一道金光,眼镜,墨水,日历都好像显得更加光亮。老师从洗手间里出来,看见了这束插在笔筒里的鲜花,心里感到无比的欣慰,脸上的皱纹也仿佛少了,显得更年轻了。 Today, is the annual Teacher's Day, the little girl Tie Yan in school on the road while thinking: Today is the teacher's section, I should send what to the teacher? She walked, stopped, sat on the grass, holding her chin and thinking. Suddenly, she smelled a bunch of flowers, she looked next to the wild chrysanthemum. She had a chance, "Yes." She took a few bunch of wild chrysanthemums, because the chrysanthemum's big work, and the teacher is the same. She went to the door of the office, to see the teacher came to school early in the morning to modify the homework, thinking: how hard the teacher! So she ran to the corner squatting, waiting, has been waiting for half an hour. When the sun shines on the teacher's window, the teacher looked out the window, has been almost class, and turned to the toilet wash his face. Tie Xin a feeling, then head out of the window, quietly stand up, put that a few light yellow wild chrysanthemum gently inserted into the teacher's pen holder. The sun shines into the window, everything in the office is like a gold, glasses, ink, the calendar seems to be more bright. The teacher came out from the bathroom, saw the bundle inserted in the pen in the flowers, the heart was very pleased, his face as if the wrinkles are less, it is more young.【篇七】教师节英语日记
有人说老师是一支蜡烛,燃烧了自己,点亮了别人。有人说老师是一本百科全书,无论多难的题目她都能一一解答。还有人说老师是一望无边的大海,我们是小舟,在这知识的海洋里遨游,而我更认为老师是辛勤耕耘的园丁,一刻不停地培育着我们这些祖国的花朵,直到朵朵花儿散发出一股浓郁、迷人的花香。 老师,我想对您说:因为有了您,我们的天空更晴朗,因为有了您,我们的梦幻更美丽,因为有了您,我们的…… 老师,我想对您说:是您给了我学习的自信,是您给了我生活的勇气,是您给了我奋发图强的动力,是您给了我奔向好前程的希望。 老师,我想对您说:您是为我开启智慧的敲门砖,您是我打开幸运之门的金钥匙,您是奏响人生音乐的指挥者。 老师,我想说声谢谢,在这一年来,您不仅教会了我许多知识,还教育我人生道理。 我常常想:您那一根根白发是粉笔灰染成的吗?您那额头上的皱纹是我们一笔一笔的画上去的吗? 是您,为我打开了文学宝库的大门,是您让我树立了无比的自信,您是一位知识渊博、和蔼可亲,善于与孩子们交心的好老师!我真想对您说一声:“谢谢您,刘老师”! Some people say that the teacher is a candle, burned himself, lit someone else. Some people say that the teacher is an encyclopedia, no matter how difficult the problem she can answer one by one. Some people say that the teacher is an endless sea, we are the boat, in the knowledge of the ocean travel, and I think the teacher is hard work gardener, the moment kept nurturing the flowers of our motherland until the flowers Emitting a rich, charming flowers. Teacher, I want to say to you: because of you, our sky more sunny, because of you, our dream is more beautiful, because of you, our ... ... Teacher, I want to say to you: is that you gave【篇八】教师节英语日记
Today, is teacher's day, I wish all the teachers, teacher's day happy! I want to thank Chen Lin teacher, she taught me a lot of knowledge, and our teacher Yang, although, she is very strict, but are for us, and Han teacher, today let us copy the text, but, we have to know wrong, don't get angry. Finally, I wish you a happy Teacher's day! 今天,是教师节,我首先祝福全体老师,教师节快乐!我要感谢陈林老师,她教给了我很多知识,还有我们的班主任杨老师,虽然,她很严格,但都是为了我们好,还有韩老师,今天让我们罚抄课文,可是,我们已经知道错了,不要再生气了。最后,我再次祝你们教师节快乐!【篇九】教师节英语日记
今天早上,我看见很多小朋友把自己买的花放在讲台上,我想他们一定是送给老师的,因为今天是老师的节日。 This morning, I saw many children put the flowers they bought on the platform. I think they must have given them to the teacher, because today is the teacher's holiday. 我和刘海意送了每个老师一束花,还给邓老师唱了一首歌,歌的名字叫“老师呀老师”,把邓老师的眼泪都弄出来了。哇!真是好感动呀!嘿嘿! Liu Haiyi and I gave each teacher a bunch of flowers and sang a song to Deng. The name of the song was "teacher ah teacher", which made Deng's tears come out. WOW! How touched! Hey!【篇十】教师节英语日记
It is Teachers' Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they don't want anyone to fall behind others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, they can help them in time.' I will be a teacher when I grow up. 九月十日是教师节。我认为教师是世界上最伟大的人,因为他们教会我们读书写字,更重要的是他们教会我们如何做人。他们对每个学生都很好,不想让任何一个人掉队。他们和学生们关系融洽。他们是我们的好朋友。当学生有困难时,他们会及时帮助学生。等我长大了,我也要当一名教师。
