今天是植树节,天空碧蓝,春风送暖,瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空飘着朵朵白云,有的像骏马在空中奔跑,有的像小船在空中漂浮,还有的像狮子在捕猎。 我们各自拿着植树工具一同前往公园,到了公园,我们分工进行,我提水,明明挖坑,小红扶树,忙得不亦乐乎,累得满头大汗,我们坚持不懈,齐心协力终于小树挺直了腰,太阳露出了笑脸,小鸟在树上欢快的歌唱,好像在说:“小朋友你们真能干”,我们心里乐滋滋的,唱着悦耳的童歌欢蹦乱跳地回家去。
Today is Arbor Day, the sky is blue, the spring breeze gifts, cbsi cbsi white clouds float over the sky, some like a horse running in the sky, sometimes like a boat floating in the air, and like a lion in the hunt.
We each take a tool to park to plant trees, in the park, our division of Labour, I carry water, yao dug a pit, little red tree, busy busy, too tired to full head big sweat, patience, we work together to finally saplings straighten the waist, the sun smiled, birds in the trees happy singing, as if to say: "children can't you do", we bewick, sing (singing) their sweet songs for children would go home.
Today is the March 12 Arbor Day. Li li and Ming Ming go to the park to plant trees, they bought a SongShuMiao with shovels and buckets to the park, Ming Ming hand shovel, cheerfully dug a buffalos, lili move SongShuMiao carefully to buffalos, centralizer saplings, clearly wield shovels to fill several spade soil, lily was carrying a bucket of water to water the young trees.
A green sapling was set up and stood upright like a soldier, with a satisfied smile on her face. Lili and Ming said to the small pine tree, "young saplings, grow up quickly, so that we can enjoy the cool and play games under your shade."
活动快结束了,同学的妈妈给我们每人发了一个多肉植物。 Today, I participated in the Arbor Day activity organized by my class. It was fun. The activity has knowledge of plants, we first know cedar, cedar like a tall pagoda; Then I knew the birch, the bark of the birch as white as the snow in winter; I also know white magnolia, the color is white, from a distance, like white birds.
Then we changed into hanfu, reciting poems about spring, we memorized a lot of poems, and mom and dad gave us applause. At the end of the activity, my classmates' mother sent us each a succulent plant.
今天是一年一度的“植树节”。正好昨天唐老师教我们学了《邓爷爷种树》。连伟大的领袖都要为绿化添一份力,我们小向阳花们怎么能闲着呢! 瞧,一大早,好多同学们带了不同的盆景放在教室的窗台上,为我们的教室添上了一道道美丽的绿色风景线。
Today is the annual "Arbor Day." Yesterday, Teacher Tang taught us to learn "Deng Xiaoping's grandpa kind of tree." Even the great leaders have to add a force for the green, how can we spend small sunny sun it!
Look, in the early morning, a lot of classmates brought different bonsai on the windowsill of the classroom, adding a beautiful green landscape to our classroom. In the classroom full of green fare more enjoy!
我觉得没有了树木就没有了生命,氧气其实是可以呼吸完的!如果有了树,他会给我们添加氧气!所以现在的地球里的氧气是呼吸不完的! 我希望同学们种一些小树,同时也一定要爱护小树!
Today is March 12 Arbor Day, I especially like Arbor Day. Because it can beautify the environment, you can let more animals come to our beautiful Xi'an. Can also plant some trees next to the desert, you can prevent dust storms, the most important thing is that it can also add fresh air to us too!
I think there is no life without trees, oxygen can actually breathe! If there is a tree, he will give us oxygen! So now the oxygen in the earth is endless breathing!
I hope my classmates planted some small trees, but also must take care of the small trees!
