This morning, Mr. Geng led me and more than a dozen students, including Guo Yazhao, Tian huafangrui, Lu Peixin, to the factory staff hospital for injection.
快走到预防科,早听到里面传出小孩的哭啼声和大人们哄孩子的安慰声。我有点儿紧张。身穿白大褂的打针阿姨看到我们来了,让耿老师给我们排好队,按次 序来。几个男同学挤着站在前面,我和几个女同学站在后面,等喊到我们打的时候,姚顺宇第一个走进医疗室,不一会儿,只见他捋着袖子笑着走出来说:"一点儿 也不疼,你们快进去打吧!”同学们都按着次序一个一个地走进去,几个男同学都是笑着走出来,看到他们都那么勇敢,我想我也要勇敢一点。该我打针了,我也轻 松地走进医疗室,当看到医生阿姨拿着的针管时,不由得害怕的只往旁边站,医生阿姨微笑着看着我,好像在说:”别怕小朋友!你要勇敢点儿。”我又想几个男同 学都已经给我们做了表率,我身为班长更应该带好头。想着,我赶快脱下袖子手掐腰就让医生阿姨给我打针,我看着阿姨给我打完针,始终没有吭一声,医生阿姨微 笑着夸我说:"你真勇敢!”其他的几个女同学就连平时最胆小的月月也都没有哭,耿老师夸奖我们现在都是勇敢的同学了。
Go to the prevention department and hear the cry of children and the comfort of adults. I'm a little nervous. The aunt in white coat saw us coming. She asked Mr. Geng to line up for us and come in order. Several male students were standing in front, while several female students and I were standing behind. When we called for a fight, Yao Shunyu was the first one to enter the medical room. After a while, he walked out with a smile and said, "it doesn't hurt at all. Go in and fight!" The students go in one by one according to the order, and several male students come out with a smile. Seeing that they are so brave, I think I should be brave. It's my turn to have an injection, and I easily walked into the medical room. When I saw the needle held by the doctor's aunt, I could not help but stand by. The doctor's aunt looked at me with a smile, as if to say: "don't be afraid of children! You have to be brave. " I also think that several male students have already set an example for us. As the monitor, I should lead a good lead. Thinking, I quickly took off my sleeve, pinched my waist and asked the doctor's aunt to give me an injection. I watched her give me an injection, but she never said a word. The doctor's aunt praised me with a smile and said, "you are so brave!" Several other female students did not cry even the most timid month. Mr. Geng praised us as brave students now.
