In the new term, there will be new deskmates. The other day, the teacher gave us a new table.
My new deskmate is Wang Fuhai. He is 9 years old, blushing, like a ripe red apple, hair like a small hedgehog, eyebrows like a pair of bows. He runs in the top ten of boys in our class, and he can jump rope very well. All in all, he is good at sports.
However, when he was in class, he sometimes didn't obey the discipline and liked to play a war game with Su Tianyi, which was a very bad behavior. Sometimes in math class, Mr. Li called him several times, but he couldn't hear him.
I hope that in this semester, he will continue to carry forward the advantages and correct the above shortcomings.
Wang Fuhai's overall performance is OK, I like Wang Fuhai
