This morning, as soon as I finished eating, I took my father's hand and hurried out. Do you know why? Because we are going to hold a dragon boat competition. There are players from all over the country and Taiwan compatriots coming to participate in the competition.
Before the competition started, there had been a large number of people on both sides of the river bank. The surrounding water was not clear. People were in high spirits as if they were celebrating the new year. All of a sudden, there was a rush, a red ready catapult went up into the sky, and the competitors were all ready for it. Then another green signal went up into the sky. The dragon boat race started. Suddenly, the drums were loud, and the competitors rowed forward, and a dragon boat flew to the end like an arrow with a detached string. The shouts and cheers of both sides were heard all the time, and the stern of the boat splashed a string Strings of white spray.
Dragon boat race is a traditional folk activity of our country, especially popular in Fujian. It is held once a year here. It is not only an activity, but also a national culture
