One day before Halloween, the little lion sat at the window and saw the sun in the sky outside. He would like to know if Grandpa sun will come tomorrow Halloween. The little lion climbed to the high stone platform, raised his head to the sun and said, "Hello, sun Gonggong!" The sun did not answer. The little lion thought, "I'm too far away from father-in-law sun. He can't hear me."
The little lion went to the mountain, climbed to the top of the highest mountain, and shouted to the sun, "Hello!" From afar came a voice: "Hello!" The little lion thought that Grandpa sun heard me. He was answering me. "Tomorrow is Halloween, will you come?" cried the little lion The sun replied, "tomorrow is Halloween, will you come..." "I will," said the little lion The sun also replied, "let me -..." The little lion asked the sun, "what gift do you want?" The sun also asked, "what gift do you want..." The little lion replied, "I want a pumpkin lantern." The sun also replied, "I want a pumpkin lantern..." www.liuxuepaper.com
After the little lion left the mountain, he went to the shop and bought the most beautiful plastic pumpkin head lantern. He put it on the high stone platform and gave it to father-in-law sun. At night, a gust of wind blows, and the lantern with pumpkin head is "almost Almost... " The ground blew and rolled down, "Gulu Gulu" rolled to the door of the little lion's house.
The next morning, the little lion opened the door and found a beautiful pumpkin lantern in front of his house. "Oh! This must be a Halloween gift from father sun! " The lion climbed to the top of the mountain again and shouted to the sun, "thank you for your gift. Happy Halloween!" The sun also said, "thank you for your gift, happy Halloween..."
