在这个大年三十的晚上,我们看完春节联欢晚会,放完炮之后,最重要的一项任务开始了,那就是"包饺子"。包饺子开始了,我的任务就是给大家运皮。我带着化装舞会的面具开始了包饺子。姨夫说我带着这个面具没人敢抢我的道。 姨妈在厨房擀皮儿,姐姐、姨夫和妈妈在客厅包饺子,而我就当他们的小助手,给他们运皮儿。
On the evening of the new year's Eve, after watching the Spring Festival Gala and putting off the cannon, the most important task began, that is, "making dumplings". Dumplings began, my task is to transport the skin for everyone. I started making dumplings with a masquerade. My uncle said that no one dares to rob me with this mask My aunt is rolling the skin in the kitchen, my sister, uncle and mother are making dumplings in the living room, and I will be their little assistant to transport the skin for them.
大家忙忙碌碌的开始了这场行动。姨妈一擀皮儿我就得开始运皮儿,就这样我就来回跑了好几次,而且还帮姨妈擀皮儿,到最后,我累得气喘吁吁,但终于把这次任务结束了。 这次行动结束了,我就闹着要吃饺子,但他们说现在都快到12点了,太晚了,初一早晨再吃饺子。他们这句话让我再次失望了。 这场行动可真激烈,我累得气喘吁吁,这次全家人的工作结束了,但我还想来一场一模一样的行动呢!我期盼着初一早晨品尝我们的劳动成果。
Everyone started the action in a hurry. As soon as my aunt rolled the skin, I had to start to play the skin. So I ran back and forth several times, and helped my aunt roll the skin. At last, I was so tired that I gasped for breath, but finally ended the task When the operation is over, I will make a fuss about eating dumplings, but they say it's almost 12 o'clock now. It's too late. I will eat dumplings in the morning of the first day. Their words disappointed me again This action is really intense. I am tired and panting. The whole family's work is over, but I want a similar action. I'm looking forward to tasting the fruits of our labor in the morning of the first day of the new year.
