最近我读了一本书,叫《三国演义》,作者是罗贯中。讲的是汉朝时期的事,皇帝汉灵帝很荒唐,竟然把宦官集团十常侍的张让叫爸爸,赵忠叫妈妈。后来刘备、关羽和张飞桃园结义,随官军去打黄巾军;再后来刘备、孙权、曹操形成三国鼎立,刘备请了诸葛亮为军师,孙权有吕蒙,曹操有司马懿;到最后曹操赢了刘备和孙权。 这本书里面的人物我最喜欢诸葛亮,因为他知识丰富又足智多谋,他让我要多读书以后才能成为一个让人敬佩的人。以后我一定要成为一名军事家,保卫祖国的每一寸土地。
Recently I read a book called romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. It's about the Han Dynasty. Emperor Hanling was so absurd that he called Zhang rang, the ten regular servants of the eunuch group, his father and Zhao Zhong his mother. Later, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei joined forces to fight the Yellow turban army; later, Liu Bei, Sun Quan and Cao Cao formed a Three Kingdoms confrontation. Liu Bei invited Zhugeliang as the military division, and Sun Quan had Lvmeng and Cao Cao had Sima Yi; at last, Cao Cao won Liu Bei and Sun Quan. I like Zhuge Liang best in this book, because he is rich in knowledge and resourceful. He makes me need to read more before I can become an admirable person. In the future, I must become a militarist and defend every inch of the motherland.
