以下是[作文地带]小编整理的英语作文范文,希望能给喜欢英语作文的读者带来帮助。Life is Struggle
Everything in the world is in constant struggle, `struggle` in the sense of competition in natural selection among organisms.
Animals and plants struggle for their existence. Nature provides them with weapons for that struggle. Lions have claws; fish have scales; roses have thorns. They use their weapons for the un-
avoidable war of existence. Nature also orders us to struggle;when we obey Nature, we win our existence.
The result of struggle is the evolution of a better society.In order to surpass others, one has to devote himself to what he does. If every individual does so. the society will make progress.
Struggle is inevitable. But we should struggle with sportsmanship, not stand in the way of others in order to achieve our own success. It is Only by struggling in such a way that mankind will see a world getting more glorious day by day.
Everything in the world is in constant struggle, `struggle` in the sense of competition in natural selection among organisms.
Animals and plants struggle for their existence. Nature provides them with weapons for that struggle. Lions have claws; fish have scales; roses have thorns. They use their weapons for the un-
avoidable war of existence. Nature also orders us to struggle;when we obey Nature, we win our existence.
The result of struggle is the evolution of a better society.In order to surpass others, one has to devote himself to what he does. If every individual does so. the society will make progress.
Struggle is inevitable. But we should struggle with sportsmanship, not stand in the way of others in order to achieve our own success. It is Only by struggling in such a way that mankind will see a world getting more glorious day by day.

《Life is Struggle(生存就是竞争)》
