The time of a date has different standard for boys and girls. Girls always like to be late for about ten minutes while boys always reach the destination on time. If the girls are earlier than the boys, then the situation will become awkward, it is not polite to let a girl wait for a boy. But sometimes girls are always late for more than half an hour, which annoys the boys. It is said that if you call a girl to ask her if she is on the way, then she will answer you that she just goes out of the house, the truth is that she is still in the house. Most girls are late for making up for a long time. It is considerate to be late for a date for a few minutes, but it is impolite to be late for much time.
时间[shí jiān](Time):是物质的永恒运动、变化的持续性、顺序性的表现,包含时刻和时段两个概念。时间是一个复杂的概念,它在不同的学科和哲学体系中有着不同的定义和理解。时间是人类用以描述物质运动过程或事件发生过程的一个参数,确定时间,是靠不受外界影响的物质周期变化的规律。以地球自转为基础的时间计量系统称为世界时系统。
