以下是[作文地带]小编整理的英语作文范文,希望能给喜欢英语作文的读者带来帮助。International aid for poor countries is necessaryThe economic and social gaps between the developed countries and the developing countries are becoming wider and wider in the past decades. It is frequently debated in the international forums whether the wealthy countries should give financial help to the developing countries. In my personal opinion, the former not only ought to provide, but also should increase the aid to the latter.The industrilazed countries have the resonsibility to help the poor country to solve the problems arising from poverty. In the past, western countries accumulated plenty of fortune by exploiting the colonized nations, and accomplished the industrial revolution process. Nowadays, although the colonies have acquired independence, western countries still make enormous profits each year through selling their industrial products, technology and intellectual properties to the underdeveloped countries.Due to lack of funds for development, some countries are in extreme poverty. Hundreds of thousands of people are in hunger. Many of them died of starvation and malnutrition. Women and children are more likely to become the victims of poverty. Is there any excuse for wealthy nations to refuse donating their money and food to these miserable people?International aid is also an important means for the poor countries to get rid of poverty. With international financial donations, the poor countries can improve their education facilities and let more children have opportunities to go to school, and eventually eliminating the root of poverty.On the other hand, aid-recipient countries should know how to make use of the aid effectively and appropriately.In conclusion, international aid to poor countries is necessary and essential, and rich countries have the indispensable obligations to offer their help, while the recipient countries should utilize the aid properly.来源:作文地带整理。

