A friend who is a police in Guangzhou got married yesterday.He once helped me get out of a very sticky situation without asking for any demand. I am sorry that I couldn't give my congratuation to him in person on his big day. Two years ago, a stuffy summer evening I was robbed when walking on the street with my another female friend after we left a hair salon.
Two guys riding on a motorcycle behind us rushed onto the sidewalk and pulled my purse away. I fell down on the hard concrete ground and the mortorcycle was hitting by a electricity pole.They quickly shifted the direction and zipped away. We were so appalled and black-out that we forgot to dial 110.I called my friend, the police, for help with tears in my eyes. Ten minutes later, he showed up and send me to a hospital nearby. The young resident took little care of my spot where I got hurt. Misfortunes never come alone.Three days later, it became so inflaming and swollen because of the heat of summer that I couldn't walk. I vented my anger and anxiety everywhere I could and decided to change another better hospital.In order to avoid making further and worse problem then and future, I decided to let a specific doctor to diagose it. It was a bolt out of the blue to learn that I needed a surgery, whereas it was incredible to undertake a surgery without any local or gerenal anesthesia. I extremely suffered from it. It was him who held my hand tightly without any hesitation during the whole process and it was him who took me back and forth to hospital to do the daily checks. There were no sufficient words expressing my thanks for him.It took me a month back to the normal track until the Mid-Autumn day.My friend availed himself of the benefit from his job to offset the 70% of the total costs. However, what the quite unhappy thing was a hard-to-miss and hard-to-fade mark on my right leg.
I need another surgery to remove it.It seemed to be a mark of friendship for me. The old saying goes: Fortune makes friends and adversity tests them. I'm lucky and proud to have such a genuine friend. The bad luck happening to me is unforgettable, the friend,however, is more unforgettable.
朋友(Friend),是一个汉语词语,意思是指志同道合的人,情意相投的人。彼此有交情的人,后指交谊深厚的人。明朝时指士大夫对儒学生员之称 。
2.除情人或亲属之外彼此有交情的人,其最高境界是知己。朋友之交,至于劝善规过足矣…。——清· 刘开《孟涂文集》
3.[aides and staff]∶指幕友
4.[boy friend ;girl friend]∶恋爱的对象
朋友英文释义 Friend 【uk /frend/ us /frend/】:
A person who you know well and who you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family
She's my best/oldest/closest friend - we've known each other since we were three.
Someone who is not an enemy and who you can trust
You don't have to pretend any more - you're among friends now.
Someone who gives money to an arts organization or charity in order to support it
The Friends of the ** Academy raised ¥10,000 towards the cost of the exhibition.
A friend in need is a friend indeedhave friends in high placeswhat are friends for?with friends like you, who needs enemies?
A Quaker(同 Quaker)教友会员
To invite someone to be your friend on a social networking website
I friended her and sent her a message.
