Although everyone's dreams are different, I believe everyone has a common wish, that is, to make the earth more beautiful and make our life more happy. Although the environment on the earth is getting worse now, I believe that as long as we work together, the environment on the earth will become better and better. Besides, there are a lot of people around us who are worthy of our study. Although they do only a few trivial things in the eyes of ordinary people, their spirit is worthy of our study,
And I saw the beautiful earth from them. I don't know if you've seen that kind of person, but I've seen it. It was on a sunny morning. I went to the park. There were many people in the park, so I played around. Then I saw a person throw the garbage bag after eating, and it will grow. An uncle went to pick up the garbage bag on the ground and threw it into the garbage can. After seeing this scene, I felt deeply that the uncle was my model and I wanted to learn from his spirit. Then I saw an uncle who littered. I went up and told him that littering is not good. We need to protect the earth. The uncle seemed to understand a lot. He picked up the garbage and apologized and left. I was very proud and happy at that time. I believe that as long as we work together, this wish will surely come true.
Everyone in the world has his own dream, some want to be a scientist, some want to be a policeman, some want to be a doctor, some want to be a singer
These dreams will come true as long as we work hard!
1.梦中怀想。 汉 司马相如 《长门赋》:“忽寝寐而梦想兮,魄若君之在旁。” 南朝 梁武帝 《与何胤敕》:“本欲屈卿暂出,开导后生,既属废业,此怀未遂。延伫之劳,载盈梦想。” 五代 王定保 《唐摭言·怨怒》:“虽限山川,常怀梦想。” 明 高启 《咏隐逸·卢鸿》:“ 开元 始求治,贤哲劳梦想。”
2.空想;妄想。 宋 苏轼 《赠清凉寺和长老》诗:“老去山林徒梦想,雨馀钟鼓更清新。”《花月痕》第四一回:“大凡有眼界遂有意识,有意识即有窒碍、恐怖、变幻、颠倒、梦想相因而至。”茅盾 《子夜》八:“呵!你-- 老冯 ,还有这种享福的梦想!再过一两年,你的田契送给人家也没人领情罢!”
3.理想。 何其芳 《我为少男少女们歌唱》诗:“对于生活我又充满了梦想,充满了渴望。”
