Dear dad, you are all good, but you are not good tempered and easily angry. Take me out when you are angry.
有一次,您上班被领导批评了一顿,怒气冲冲地回了家,"咣"的一声关上了门,我正在写作业,吓了一跳,我顿时感到不太对劲,我悄悄地离开了桌子,点着脚尖轻轻地跑到门前,正准备开门时, 却和您撞了个满怀。爸爸眉头紧锁,满脸怒容,我刹时感到杀气冲天,我希望爸爸能嘴下留情呀,爸爸邹着眉头厉声问到:"作业写完了吗?"我结结巴巴地回答:"没有"。"那你怎么能出去玩呢? "我头也不敢抬小声说:"我明明没有出去玩吗。""你刚才说什么呢?"我说:"没说什么。"爸爸听了说:"你怎么跟父母顶嘴呢!"就这样,我就被您毫不留情懂得指责批评了一通。
Once, you were criticized by the leader at work, and went home angrily. I closed the door with a bang. I was doing my homework and was shocked. I suddenly felt something was wrong. I quietly left the table and ran to the door with my toes on. I was about to open the door when I ran into you. My father's brows are locked and his face is full of anger. I feel murderous in an instant. I hope my father can show mercy. My father, with his brow raised, asked sharply, "is the homework finished?" "No," I stammered. "Then how can you go out and play?" I dare not raise my head and say in a low voice, "I didn't go out to play." "What did you just say?" I said, "nothing." Dad said, "how can you talk back to your parents?" In this way, I was mercilessly criticized by you.
Dad, I want to say to you, please get rid of this bad habit of losing your temper, OK?
