In my mind, once had an unforgettable growth experience, always appeared in front of my eyes.
那是去年六。一儿童节,妈妈送给我一双粉色的轮滑鞋做礼物。一个风和日丽的星期天,我和妈妈一起去广场练轮滑。我自以为学轮滑是一件很简单的事,看着别人滑得飞快,便根本没把学轮滑放 在眼里。妈妈对我说的话,我也只当耳旁风,左耳朵听右耳朵冒了。没等妈妈说完,我就推开妈妈的手,"唰"得一下冲了出去,正当我得意忘形时,由于没有掌握平衡要领,"啪"得一声跌在地上。 我装出一脸痛苦的表情,我想妈妈一定会来扶起我,安慰我,没想到妈妈却说:"自己站起来,不能以后光依赖别人!"我只好一边扶着地,腿一边颤颤抖抖得站了起来。"我成功了!"妈妈微笑着说 :"对,从哪儿跌倒了,就要从哪儿爬起来,遇到问题或困难,不要光想着依赖别人,要靠自己。"听完妈妈的这番话,我哭笑着点点头。我慢慢地学者走,这次,我没有再着急,一点儿一点儿地加快 速度,一会儿的功夫,我猛然发现自己已经会滑了,我高兴得扑向妈妈。
That was last six. On children's day, my mother gave me a pair of pink roller skates as a gift. One sunny Sunday, my mother and I went to the square to practice skating. I think it's a very simple thing to learn roller skating. Watching others skate fast, I don't pay attention to learning roller skating at all. What my mother said to me, I only listen to the wind, left ear listen to the right ear. Before my mother finished, I pushed my mother's hand away. "Shua" had to rush out. When I was ecstatic, because I didn't master the balance, I fell to the ground. I put on a face of pain, I think my mother will come to help me, comfort me, but my mother said: "I stand up, can't rely on others in the future!" I had to hold on to the ground, my legs shaking and shaking to stand up. "I made it!" Mom smiled and said, "yes, if you fall down, you have to get up. If you encounter problems or difficulties, don't just think about relying on others, rely on yourself." After listening to my mother's words, I cried and smiled and nodded. I slowly learned to walk, this time, I did not worry, a little bit to speed up, a little time, I suddenly found that I have slipped, I am happy to jump to my mother.
This unforgettable growing experience taught me that it is a very happy thing to succeed by my own efforts.