"突发疫情,一种新型冠状病毒在全国传播,至今已共有近千人被感染,并有两千多的疑似病例,建议大家在春节期间减少出门次数。"在年初时,我回家看到这则新闻,当时我与一家人并未在意,只是戴上了口罩。可仅两天,人数竟已突破一千二百大关,这使我们立马停下手中所有活动 ,并努力做好防疫措施。
A novel coronavirus has been spread throughout the country. So far, nearly 1000 people have been infected and more than 2000 suspected cases have been reported. It is suggested that people should reduce the number of outbreaks during the Spring Festival. "At the beginning of the year, I went home to see the news. At that time, my family and I didn't care, just put on masks. But in only two days, the number of people has exceeded 1200, which makes us immediately stop all activities in our hands and try to do well in epidemic prevention measures.
而在疫情爆发并加速发展时,我们祖国与14亿中国人民与世界各国从未惧怕。国家采取了有效的抗击疫情的措施,使疫情得到了有效控制;人民,无论是不惧怕病毒战斗在一线的白衣天使,还是免费生产物资的公司、厂商 ,亦或是在家中祖国祈福的平凡人,我们都心系疫情,用自己的方式在为阻击疫情出力;世界上既有各国的经济援助,又有联合国对中方处理疫情方式的高度肯定与对各国援华的倡导。这些都无比明确的表达了我们祖国乃至全世界对阻击疫情的决心与勇气!
When the epidemic broke out and accelerated its development, our motherland, 1.4 billion Chinese people and other countries around the world never feared it. The state has taken effective measures to fight against the epidemic, which has effectively controlled the epidemic. People, whether they are white angels who are not afraid of the virus fighting in the front line, companies and manufacturers that produce free materials, or ordinary people who pray for blessings in their home country, are all concerned about the epidemic and contribute to the fight against the epidemic in their own way; In the world, there are not only economic assistance from all countries, but also the high affirmation of the United Nations on China's handling of the epidemic situation and its advocacy for all countries to help China. These are very clear expression of our country and the world's determination and courage to stop the epidemic!
Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!
