The long river of memory flows ceaselessly, but it does not dilute my applause to my classmates last week.
Last Wednesday afternoon, the classroom was very quiet. Some students are reading seriously, some students are doing their homework, and others are lining up to revise their homework. Suddenly, Mr. Wang excitedly ran to our class and announced the award list of class cadres: "Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming..." there was only the last place left, but the teacher hadn't reported to me yet. I was a little worried. My jumped like a little rabbit, as if to say to me, "little master, why didn't you report to me? I'm so anxious."" "Xiao Gang" but the last one hasn't reported to me. I'm really sad. However, I learned a lot from this class cadre election: we should cons
tantly challenge ourselves and do things without giving up" However, "the teacher said," there is another classmate in our class who works hard and makes great progress. This is our classmate Zhu Fu. "本来在我心里快熄灭的蜡烛一下子又发出了五彩的光芒,温暖了我的心。教室里突然响起来了热烈的掌声,我很开心,真得很开心,教室里不断回荡着同学们和老师的掌声,我的脸红了,心热了,眼睛笑成了一条缝,洁白的牙齿比我嘴里露了出来。
The candle that was about to go out in my heart suddenly sent out colorful light and warmed my heart. The classroom suddenly burst into warm applause. I was very happy and really happy. The classroom was constantly echoed with applause from students and teachers. My face turned red, my heart became hot, my eyes laughed into a seam, and my white teeth were exposed more than my mouth.
I am not disappointed in this matter, because the students believe me. Although several days have passed, my memory is still fresh. I hope this applause will remain in my mind forever.