"Son" is written by three women who are digging well water. The first woman said: "my son is smart and powerful, and no one can match him." Another woman said, "my son can sing like a Nightingale, and no one can sing as well as he does." The third woman was silent. When the three sons come, the sons of the first two women will only show off their abilities, and only the third son will help the mother carry the heavy bucket. "What about our son?" the women asked The old man said, "I see only one son."
After reading this article, I feel deeply that my third son is very filial. Just like my mother and wife fall into the river, they will save my mother first. If you are not filial to your mother, no one will look down on you. Even if you are good at Kung Fu and sing beautifully, others will look down on you. When my mother taught me the truth, I always didn't listen. Every time I was scolded, but I still didn't listen. Until now, I still didn't listen.
The story of "son" has inspired me a lot. From now on, I will listen to my mother.
