Csar said, the most difficult time is when we are not far from success. At this stage, grade three students are facing an important test in their lives: The high school entrance exam. Brush do not know how many times the title, Silent Do Not Know How many times the ancient poetry, write do not know how many pen, now is your most difficult time. But because of this, you have to have confidence in themselves, believe in their own ten years of hard study, believe in how many silent night in the burning the midnight oil, which gives you strength. What you need to do is to recognize the goal, believe in yourself, establish confidence, and then take firm steps forward. So how do you build confidence? We can build confidence by comparing ourselves vertically, about to compare ourselves with our past selves, and seeing our progress. When Einstein, the world famous scientist, was in primary school, his classmates handed in their work: mud ducks, dolls and so on, but Einstein did not. It was not until the next day that he brought in a small stool, which was very badly made. The teacher looked at it disapprovingly and said, “I don‘t think theres a worse little stool in the world... ” Einstein replied, “there is. ” He took the two little stools from under the desk in no hurry, raised his left hand and said, “this is the first time I‘ve done this. ” Then he raised his right hand and said, “this is the second time Ive done it... this is the third time I‘ve done it. Its not satisfying, but it‘s better than both. ” Einsteins self-confidence was built up by the vertical comparison. An indefatigable person, self-confidence in the heart will stand tough, stand into the spirit of steel cast iron ridge beam, stand into a never withering landscape. Thank you!
