The result of the final exam did not reach my ideal level, and it was more than seven points less than the estimated result, which made me very disappointed.
Through this exam, I found that physical education is really very important. I don't add physical education in the final exam. I'm the 19th grade, but I was dumped in more than 40 when I add physical education. I was kicked out of the top 30 by physical education, but it just taught me a lesson and let me pay attention to physical education and exercise.
This time, I lost the most points in politics and Chinese. I deducted 20 points and 21.5 points respectively. Politics is an open book exam. There can be no problem that I can't memorize, so I lost my points in my weak analytical ability. And Chinese, because I missed a question in the exam, so I wrote the position wrong. After correction, the volume was very messy, so I didn't score, and the composition also pulled 9 for me. I think the score of 5 points is mainly deducted in writing and logic, because my thinking speed is too slow, I don't have enough time, and I don't accumulate much at ordinary times. My brain is either blank or in a mess, resulting in the reverse order of composition and scrawl at that time.
I think the worst point deduction is mathematics. Two points are deducted because of the wrong format. Dot multiplication is used between numbers. These really shouldn't be wrong. What annoyed me most was that my head was hot during the exam and I missed the simplest question in the whole paper, so I lost two more points. The math problem is not difficult this time. Two people got full marks. It's really inappropriate to lose points in these two places.
This exam is a lesson for me. It should also be a self reflection, reflecting where my weaknesses are, so that I can improve. This exam has also defined my opponent and my learning objectives, so that I can study in a more directional way.
