I was having dinner at school when suddenly a tooth was hit by a bone, "ah! My teeth. " I broke it with my hand, but it was a little loose and didn't fall off.
When I got home, I told my mother about it. She looked and said, "this tooth is going to fall out. Go to see it next week. I'll make an appointment now." what?! I hate going to the dentist. No, I must pull out my teeth before going to the dentist.
In my spare time, I shake my teeth with my hands, hoping to shake it down, but it still stubbornly stands at its post. During dinner, I try to eat something harder, such as ribs, chicken wings, pig feet and so on. I hope it will be like last time. But every meal I ate full, my stomach was as round as a ball, and I had a big burp, and this tooth was still stubborn.
I took out a piece of white plasticine, looked into the mirror to make teeth, dried it and showed it to my mother. "My teeth have fallen out. I can't go to the dentist." Mother saw my trick at a glance, smiled and said, "are your teeth so white? Open your mouth and let me see if it's still there? "
Alas! I had no choice but to follow my mother to the dentist. Along the way, my palms were sweating. When I got to the clinic, I lay on my chair and closed my eyes tightly. I didn't dare to look at anything. I only heard jingling" All right. " The doctor said gently. what? I just lay down. I didn't feel at all. I pulled it out. Knowing how easy it was, I let the dentist fight against this stubborn tooth.
