When
you
go
along
this
road
along
the
way,
you
will
pay
attention
to
the
sea
that
one
huge
lilies,
good,
it
spotlessly
white,
this
is
my
home,
a
unique
architectural
home.Because
on
the
seashore,
the
spring
lasts,
so
in
flowers
with
fence
around
surrounded
by
a
radius
meters
garden,
it
is
full
of
all
kinds
of
flowers,
of
different
colors
and
shapes.
Every
day,
the
hordes
of
the
bees
to
patronage
garden
and
to
look
at
their
hard
work,
drew
on
the
honey.
The
butterfly
from
time
to
time
to
gather
together
noisy
also,
dancing
in
the
garden,
deftly
shuttle
to
flowers
between,
and
that
a
lily,
standing
in
the
middle,
high,
beautiful
attract
people
have
to
go
to
watch.In
the
morning,
when
the
sun
rose
above
the
horizon,
large
round,
light
into
the
house,
just
like
the
point
on
the
neon
lights,
warm
but
person.
Looking
at
the
sun
rose
slowly
from
the
horizon,
a
new
day
begins.
Soon,
the
sunlight
shine.
The
rest
all
night,
and
began
to
rolled
and
everything
on
the
earth
the
wake,
is
the
sun,
or
by
the
sea
at
high
tide
noise
woke,
and
no
one
knows
specific
answers.
The
waves
layer
upon
layer,
believe
that
there
are
now
the
little
creature
up
early.
I'm
a
new
day
of
study
also
began,
went
out,
and
the
bees
friends
have
started
to
work,
they
are
as
if
to
tell
me,
today
also
frequently
and
ready.
Meet
the
sun,
have
stepped
onto
the
way
to
the
school.A
day
of
learning
in
the
end
finally
exhausted.
Back
to
the
lovely
home,
pour
a
while
in
bed,
"good
comfortable
oh......"
.
Finished
supper,
it
is
still
early,
go
out
for
a
walk,
walk
on
the
beach,
listening
to
the
sound
of
the
waves,
listen
to
the
sound
of
waves
rock
pat,
let
sea
breeze
blowing
all
in
yourself,
the
mood
be
suddenly
enlightened,
tired
feeling
is
gone,
but
still
warm.
Looking
back,
a
long
footprints
in
the
beach,
winding.
Down
look,
many
lovely
small
crab
is
chasing
waves,
and
sometimes
on,
as
if
in
waves
and
plays,
have
no
fear,
the
exam.Every
day,
is
like
this,
and
from
lilies
and
between
school,
almost
every
day
is
such
rules,
but
never
tired
of,
or
even
to
every
day
everything
look
forward
to,
are
looking
forward
to......

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