【#英语口语# 摘要】很多同学会被卡在雅思口语六分的区间里,无法得到提升。感觉自己答的很好可就是没有实际分数的提高,这其实是你忽视了很多相关的评分细节。这些相关因素与分数成正比例关系,忽视了这些因素,雅思口语高分自然不好获得。以下是:作文地带整理的雅思口语part3相关话题,欢迎阅读!
1. Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days?
全球变暖:global warming/ temperature rise/ carbon emission/ ice glaciers and caps melt/ sea level rise/ fishing industry/ residents living in coastal areas
空气污染:air pollution/ exhaust from cars and factories/ burning of fossil fuels
水污染:water/ ocean pollution/ chemical runoff/ untreated sewage
白色污染:white pollution/ plastic bags/ non-biodegradable materials
水土流失:soil erosion/ soil fertility decrease
乱砍乱伐:deforestation/ unbalance ecosystem/
The most serious pollution that is widely discussed these days is global warming. With the increasing carbon emission and the loss of ozone layer, the global temperature is on the rise, which makes the ice glaciers and caps melt and the sea level increase. Therefore, many coastal areas have been flooded and people living there become displaced.
2. Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems?
我个人觉得,比较真实的回答应该是没有的。因为如果有的话,其实这些问题就不会存在了,或者得到很好的缓解。而事实是,很多问题不但没有改善,而且还在恶化。那么,显然,政府做得还不够。I think governments have not done their best to deal with the environmental problems.
Many environmental problems are affecting very large areas, so that they cannot by dealt with in a short time or be tackled by one country.
Also, take China as an example, if we impose strict rules on reducing the emission and on forcing factories to release their waste with no harmful material at all, many of the industries will be influenced. The local industry will be damaged.
If we want to control the air pollution in the cities and replace all the existing cars with the electricity cars, many of the car users cannot afford buying cars and the productivity of the society will be reduced because they all have to take public transport instead.
The current legal system is not perfect, many of the urgent issues have not be included in the law.
The punishment of the laws is not strict enough to restrict people from violating laws. For example, if the factory emits some chemical waste, they may not be immediately fined or only a small amount of money which is comparable to their benefit they make.
There is limited publicity of the environmental regulations. We may have some basic idea of law carbon lifestyle, but we fail to live that way because we are not told about how to live environmental friendly or how to recycle and reuse all the waste materials. The authority should make more videos and booklets to tell people the detailed steps in becoming greener in life.
3. Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious?
Some of the environment issue is too broad, if we view it from a daily basis in a small region, there is almost no sign of how the problem affects daily life. For example, we all know the complexity and seriousness of global warming, but for any single day, we may fail to experience an obvious temperature rise.
Many issues are far away from where we normally live, such as desertification. Only when we are affected by sandstorm can we realize the seriousness of the problem.
We may think that the advance in technology can greatly resolve all these problems.
We may think that the protection job is the responsibility of the central government. Ordinary people can do very little thing in these matters.
4. Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the future?
Many of the nature disasters, such as earthquake and tsunami, are actually caused only by natural forces. There is nothing to do with humans. From this perspective, it won’t be more disasters because of humans.
The awareness of environmental protection is raised by more publicity about environmental issues and more attention paid by international community. With the more advanced techniques, many disasters can be avoided or resolved by human beings.
The human being has exhausted the natural resources at an alarming rate, a series of disasters due to the unbalanced ecosystem is induced because of humans.
The majority of the people in the world lack the sense of protecting ecosystem. They pay very little attention to the environmental consequence of their behavior.
Many of the human activities have already caused serious disasters and is about to trigger many chain effects in the coming decade. For example, every one degree increase of the world temperature will lead to the extinction of a lots of ocean species. Then, the predators of these species will die and preys of them will proliferate, and the whole animal chain will be damaged.
Many of the damage by humans are irreversible. For example, a forest is removed, all the creatures living on it will be displaced and die out.
1、 X-factor
基础薄弱的考生几乎不可能在短时间内将自己的英文能力提高到一个能够应对任何雅思口语话题的水平。所以考生们如果要考到一个好的分数,的方法就是提前准备。考生可以事先编好大约8到10个比较长的故事,保证这几个故事基本上能够将一些经常考的话题都涉及到。这样一来,考生们就能在最短的时间内得到的效果。 当然,与此同时,考生还应该注意两方面:
备考雅思口语的同学们要明白一个事实,那就是雅思口语中未必一定要说真话。因为通常,真话是我们根本就不了解这个话题,就算能说出来,恐怕和其他学生也差不多,是一个既无趣又单调的答案。这样一个答案,在雅思考试中肯定不能获得理想的分数。所以,只要答案是合情合理,前后不矛盾,我们就可以使用。总之,在谈话中,我们要做的只是一个忠实的story teller。
其次,如果确实对于某个话题感到无话可说。我们可以借助现在最为发达的网络平台来寻找答案。例如在准备describe a park这道题目的时候,南京同学往往会将目标锁定在Xuan Wuhu lake park上,所以我们会听到许多同学描述完全相同的事物,如There's a zoo indside of it, and there're different kinds of animal in it, such as…这样的描述确实难以令考官产生兴趣。那么如果我们借助网络来搜索答案,又可以得到什么结果呢?在Google或者维基百科(Wikipedia)中,我们输入关键词 Disneyland, California, 就能得到全部的关于加州迪斯尼的资料。从这个公园产生的背景,到这个公园各个部分的简介。比如关于其中一个叫做 Redwood Greek Challenge Trail的景点,我们得到了以下信息:
Redwood Creek Challenge Trail (opened February 8, 2001) : A play area for kids, featuring a Mount Shasta wilderness-like setting and suspension and wire bridges. It also features rock climbing and a Brother Bear scene cave. It is also designed for adventurous adults.
Well, I don't have a certain favorite attraction in particular, but if I have to say, I'd probably say it is Redwood Creek Challenge Trail. Actually, it's a play area for kids but it also attracts a young adult like me for its design. It is a mount shape background with a exciting suspension and wire bridge, and also a cute brother bear cave which even fascinates a lot of adults.
不难看出,上面一段口语答案和关于Xuan Wuhu Lake Park的描述,无论从评分的哪个角度,都是关于Disneyland的这一段获胜。
不过在网络搜索的过程中,切记三个原则,第一,搜索的关键词要具体不要抽象,如果搜索describe a park,就不如搜索一个具体的公园Disneyland得到的信息多;第二,得到了文字信息之后,一定要在资料的基础上进行改编,因为得到的资料是书面语,我们要将它修改成口语稿才能使用;第三,一定要反复对着镜子练习自己的说话方式,把这些句子熟练掌握,内化为自己的观点,并能把它自然地说出来,而不是“背”出来,如果考官发现是在背诵而不是叙述,肯定会给你一个很低的分数。
