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青少年崇拜问题Youngsters Worship

时间:2009-12-26来源:英语作文网栏目:网友投稿英语作文作者:英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Not so long ago, a piece of news made everyone reflect on the fans phenomenon again. Beyond anyone's wildest dreams, a young girl, who is crazy about Liu Dehua, had made her father into death recently. For her own part, she can do everything for her

  Not so long ago, a piece of news made everyone reflect on the "fans" phenomenon again. Beyond anyone's wildest dreams, a young girl, who is crazy about Liu Dehua, had made her father into death recently. For her own part, she can do everything for her star, such as giving up her study, work, and even her life.

  In western countries, people believe in God. However, we don't have a faith to rely on. In this case, there comes a large number of "fans". They look on big stars as if they were their God. Blind and ridiculous, they made all kinds of crazy behaviors just to please their own stars. To some degree, young people nowadays lead life. They won't do such things if they feel fulfillment every day.

  As is mentioned above, this phenomenon is popular and instructive. Nevertheless, we don't expect that kind of things to happen again.


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