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I Bought A Box Of Chocolates

时间:2010-04-24 05:39来源:英语作文网 作者:徐焕春 投稿收藏:收藏本文
Yesterday I bought a box of chocolates.I bought it at the supermarket.Where'thesupermarket?It'snext to the bankand across from the park.Thesupermarket is big and clean.The box of chocolates is 5 yuan.

    Yesterday  I  bought  a box of chocolates.I  bought  it  at  the  supermarket.Where's the  supermarket?It's next   to  the  bank and  across from the  park.The supermarket is  big  and  clean.The  box of chocolates is 5 yuan.It  was(此处应该为is,毕竟巧克力这个东西没有现在过去之分,它终归是个物件.) cheap.But  it  was(is)  tasty.I  like (it) very  much.And  you?




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