2010-08-14 20:09:00   来源:英语作文网   评论:0 点击:

ken: Sorry, joe! joe: ken! Sorry doesn't cut it! You were supposed to meet me right here --- forty minutes ago! You're late, as usual! ken: Now! Now! What's a few minutes between friends? joe: You don't get it! ken: (Reading a note on the bulletin board)

ken:    Sorry, joe!
joe:    ken! "Sorry" doesn't cut it! You were supposed to meet me right here --- forty minutes ago! You're late, as usual!
ken:    Now! Now! What's a few minutes between friends?
joe:    You don't get it!
ken:    (Reading a note on the bulletin board) Oh, look! I must check them out!
joe:    Hold it! We had a date!
ken:    Come with me?
joe:    No way! I hate shopping with you. You try on every dress, and it drives me crazy!
ken:    Well, it'll only take a sec. Just a tiny peek at the new fashions. Aren't you coming in?
joe:    No, thank you. I'll wait outside.

相关热词搜索:砍它 不能

下一篇:我迟到了I was late

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