果园里,一种种水果你争我抢,都想让人去摘呢!苹果高兴的说:"人们一定会先摘我的。"桃子说:"你不可能是第一个,我才可能是第一个。"梨子说:"不可能,我才是第一个呢,你看,我全身都是肉,还水灵灵的,人们一定会先摘我的。" 这时候,人们来了,他们说:"最近果园的水果长的不错,不过先摘哪个呢?"他们想了想,决定先摘梨子。梨子高兴的说:"你看,我就说了我是第一个被摘的。"这时候苹果也被摘了许多,苹果不甘示弱的说:"梨子是第一个,那我就是第二个。"桃子也被摘了一些,桃子平静的说:"那我就是第三个。"接着,别的水果陆续被摘了。摘完了,人们都兴高采烈的回家了。 秋天真是一个丰收的季节啊!
Orchard, a variety of fruits you fight for me to rob, want to let people pick it! Apple said happily, "people will pick me first." "You can't be the first, I can't be the first," said the peach "No way," said the pear, "I'm the first one. You see, I'm full of meat and water. People will pick me first." At this time, people came and they said, "the fruit in the orchard has grown well recently, but which one should be picked first?" They thought about it and decided to pick pears first. The pear said happily, "look, I said I was the first one to be picked." At this time, the apple was also picked a lot. The apple said, "the pear is the first, and I am the second." Some peaches were picked, and the peaches said calmly, "then I am the third." Then, other fruits were picked one after another. After picking, people went home happily. Autumn is really a harvest season!
