今天中午我妈妈从奇花市场给我买了一盆花,我特别高兴,我明天要把花带到学校,我买的花是紫色的可漂亮啦,明天我带到教室,教室会显得更漂亮,我们好多同学都带花了,都是为了我们教室更 美观,更漂亮。我们就像在花的世界里学习。
Today, at noon, my mother bought me a pot of flowers from the wonderful flower market. I'm very happy. I'm going to take the flowers to school tomorrow. The flowers I bought are purple and beautiful. Tomorrow, I'll take them to the classroom. The classroom will look more beautiful. Many of our students have brought flowers, all for the sake of making our teaching room more beautiful and beautiful. We are like learning in the world of flowers.
